libp2p General
average score over 2 application evaluations
Development of a networking layer by libp2p for blockchain interoperability, including protocol implementation, community management, event organization, security, and R&D innovation across multiple languages.

The libp2p project has developed and maintained a common networking layer used by many core implementations of blockchains & tools used in the Ethereum ecosystem. The protocols built into the libp2p project, such as the Kademlia DHT and GossipSub, are core functions in the Ethereum, Filecoin, OP, Polkadot, and many more networks. The libp2p project contains multiple language implementations that serve the wider decentralized peer-to-peer space. This application is on behalf of the general libp2p project which maintains the libp2p specifications, leads and grows the libp2p community, organizes events like libp2p Day and libp2p hackathons, coordinates security vulnerability management across implementations and organizations, maintains cross implementation interoperability testing and benchmarking, runs its own public goods funding programs (like the libp2p rPGF round, and seeks to drive R&D innovation across the libp2p ecosystem. Open Impact Foundation PCC, libp2p Core Cell, will hold and distribute the grant to further support the development and expansion of these crucial infrastructure projects within the libp2p ecosystem

libp2p General History

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