LOA Labs : ReFi by South

$237.40 crowdfunded from 22 people

$800.14 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
Accelerate climate action in the global South by supporting early-stage climate/blockchain projects through workshops, capacity building, and funding using Web3 technology.


ReFi by South is a community building project that aims to accelerate climate change mitigation, adaptation, and resilience solutions in the global South through the use of technology, community organizing, and focused collaborations.

By leveraging blockchain technology for collaboration, decentralized governance, and crowdsourced financial models, ReFi by South supports projects, institutions, and entrepreneurs who are working towards climate action in regions where the impacts of the climate crisis are severe and opportunities for solutions are abundant.

For the Gitcoin Beta Round, ReFi by South is proud to present:

         🐸🐸🐸 LEAPFROG 🐸🐸🐸

Helping early stage Web3 and Web2 companies jump into ReFi

In order to bring this global need to local action, we need to leapfrog Web2 impact projects and Entrepreneurs onto Web3 and accelerate education, funding, and innovation in climate and blockchain. Leapfrog is a programmatic structure with virtual topsoil that will nourish and support the growth of Climate Blockchain projects in the global South.

The goal of the Leapfrog is to enable early stage projects and entrepreneurs to move faster to market and attract collaborations and funding to scale progressively.

Workshops and Cohorts

The proceeds from this grant round will be used to conduct a series of workshops aimed at building capacity in the global South. These workshops will cover topics such as

  • Building a Web3 Climate project
  • Technology connect ( dMRV )
  • Marketing ( Socials )
  • Interoperability
  • Goto Market
  • Investor Roundtables
  • Funding

Participants would be early stage projects and entrepreneurs from the global south with large potential Climate/social impact.

Going forward the LOA Labs LEAPFROG would expand scope to cover

  • Specific themed cohorts with a focus on Web2 / Impact changemakers
  • Industry / L1 supported POC's across the ReFi Stack
  • Demo days
  • Seed funding support

This will create an innovation corridor that facilitates cross-pollination of capital, technology transfer, assimilation of indigenous practices, and harmonization of standards and practices across language, code, and tokens in conjunction with the Web2 and Web3 industry. Through the LOA Labs network across multiple L1's, funders, and impact changemakers, projects and entrepreneurs will develop deep roots within the ReFi ecosystem.

Evaluation and Monitoring:

To ensure the effectiveness of the project, ReFi by South will implement robust evaluation and monitoring mechanisms. The outcomes of the workshops and the overall impact of the ReFi by South project will be regularly assessed to measure progress and success.

History & Traction:

Your previous support of LOA Labs' ReFi by South has supported

  • ReFi India Summit Dec 01,2022 ( 100+ attendees)
  • Roundtables - Jan, Feb 2023 ( Grant roundtable and Investor roundtables)
  • Greenpill Festival, Gokarna - March 2023 ( ReFi Hackathon with 100 attendees )
  • 15+ Twitter spaces hosted by ReFi Ambassadors across Kenya, Nigeria, Uganda, and Singapore in multiple languages.

Collaborate for scale

ReFi by South invites interested projects and entrepreneurs from the global South to sign up for the workshops and contribute to this initiative to scale climate action in the region. Reach out to us on https://twitter.com/refibysouth

With your support, ReFi by South aims to accelerate education, funding, and innovation in climate and blockchain in the global South. By localizing and scaling climate action through technology, community organizing, and collaborations, we can make a tangible and lasting impact on local communities and contribute to global efforts in mitigating climate change.

For more information, please go to refibysouth.com.

LOA Labs : ReFi by South History

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