
$88.69 crowdfunded from 77 people

$159.75 received from matching pools

average score over 2 application evaluations
MercadoNFT: An event showcasing NFTs in art, music, fashion, and tech with interactive VR/AR experiences, artist interactions, and cryptocurrency insights to foster a community around digital assets.



  1. Project description
  2. Review of the project trajectory and achievements
  3. To conlude
  4. Web page and social media


MercadoNFT is an exhibition and promotion event of Non Fungible Tokens - NFTs, related to art, photography, music, fashion, projects that promote environmental conservation, cultural diversity, adoption of new technologies and much more. With the aim of attracting beginners and connoisseurs to show various experiences related to the world of unique cryptoassets or NFTs. All in function of generating knowledge-adoption-dissemination of unique digital assets, in addition to publicizing various crypto-artists and their extraordinary talent. Precisely, the event's agenda will have experiences with: Virtual reality, Augmented reality, Activities with metaverses and oculus experiences, Direct contact with the participating artists, Open different wallets and many more.


  • JACOBO BLANDÓN: Developer, Plastic Artist and crypto-artist, who has dedicated himself to experiment with all kinds of 2D and 3D assets, combining code and different ways of manipulating images and 3D files, Parametric Design, Performance, Augmented Reality, NFT, programming and WEB applications and Metaverses. Develop and explore different applications and possibilities that allow different programming languages for art, technology and industry. Jacobo Blandón.
  • BLOQUE79: Community that seeks to support and promote the use of the blockchain network and cryptocurrencies, focusing on artists and artistic collectives, allowing them to have visibility and mobility in the digital world. Bloque79.
  • MONCREAR: Social entrepreneurship that supports artists and creatives by showcasing their art through various products focused on the world of design, art and photography, and the organization of events related to the themes of productivity, art and technology. Moncrear.
  • JUAN JOSÉ GIRALDO: Technology enthusiast, international speaker, founder of Green Digital Guardians, a conservation and environmental protection project. Moderator of several cryptographic projects and networks, such as CELO, ReFi Medellín, ReFiColombia, ReFiLatinoamérica, and others. Juan José Giraldo.


Firts edition

Firts edition The first edition of MERCADONFT was held on March 23, 2023. We had a reach of:

  • +150 attendees in person
  • +50 attendees via streaming
  • 100 NFTs exhibited
  • 25 artists
  • 5 projects

All the information about the first event can be found at


  • Oculus station: Approach to the metaverse through
  • NFTips talks
  • Presentation of projects
  • Dj and Vj with code
  • Surprise interviews to attendees and artists
  • Networking

Second edition

In the second edition of MercadoNFT which was on July 27,2023, we did it under the festival organized by Club Hash Medellín: HASHFEST.

  • +100 attendees registered through the page
  • +80 attendees for the
  • +40 NFTs exhibited
  • +50 attendees via streaming
  • Surprise interviews to attendees and artists


  • Thematic: Medellin - Urban - Flower Fair
  • Oculus Station: approach to the metaverse through cryptovoxels in the space of artist Tajasoft
  • Talk NFTips
  • Talk metaverses
  • Talk with artists and participating projects
  • Show with oculus: painting a silletero with oculus by artist Ratru
  • Oculus Station: approach to the metaverse through cryptovoxels in the space of artist Tajasoft
  • Physical Exhibition: Video Installation based on images made with an ATARI 130 XE Computer between 1984-1990 by artist Javier Cruz
  • Scissors hands: reflective activity through the collage of old photos by the artist Estrujamentes
  • Exhibition of physical products related to NFTs, Surprise interviews with attendees and artists.

All the information about the second event can be found at

Third edition

The third edition of MERCADONFT was held through over October, the opening was held on October 5th, 2023. This edition was so special because it was in alliance with Gallery Marte247 in a restaurant in the north of Bogotá called Bitácora. The idea is to exhibit the prints and if people buy the physical art, the artist is incharged to send the digital art through the respective blockchain that they have the art minted.

We are incharge to open the respective wallets if people who buy de print dont have one.

The prints are expose over october in the restaurant, and people can visit de exhibition there.

In the opening, we had a reach of:

  • +15 attendees in person
  • +50 attendees metaverse spatial
  • 34 Prints related with NFTs exhibited
  • 24 artists
  • 2 projects


  • Physical exhibition
  • Digital exhibition in the metaverse
  • Special dinner
  • Presentation of each artist
  • Networking

Fourth edition (In process)

Arte Prints NFTs is in this moment active in Medellín. The inauguration was held on February 16 at Carlos E Restrepo Bloque79. An office of artists who decided to open their space to leave an exhibition of prints on display for a month for all new and knowledgeable public. Open to the public every Friday and on weekdays by appointment to show the expo. Every Friday there will be an activation so that people can enjoy and understand a little more about the world of nfts by opening their wallets, interacting with oculus in a metaverse viewing the digital works and for those who buy the print, have the physical and digital asset directly from the artist.

During the month of the exhibition, there will be workshops and courses for artists and for the general public to interact and learn more about blockchain.


The most important thing for the MercadoNFT team is to build a community between artists and connoisseurs of NFTs with people who are beginning to venture, including more artists to show their art through technology and especially new people interested in learning about and entering this new ecosystem. Our goal is to generate a pleasant and interesting space so that the public can have and enjoy different experiences making a different, interactive and interesting space for everyone.


• Web page: • Instagram: @Mercado.NFT • Twitter: @MercadoNFTarte • Mail:

Mercadonft History

People donating to Mercadonft, also donated to

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