
$173.41 crowdfunded from 145 people

$9.85 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
Mirall0x app is an open-source tool for community grant decision-making, utilizing metadata to assess early-stage projects, aiding in funding and transparency, and supporting community empowerment.

Mirall0x app is an open source project developed to empower communities when analysing candidates for grants, like this one! It uses on-chain and off-chain metadata to deliver quality information in a centralised and visual way for key decision-making. Want to try it out? Go to https://mirall0x.streamlit.app/ and check all the projects that have subscribed to this current round.

Projects working with proof of impact helps communities understand the ones that survived the initial obstacles and funding issues and manage to deliver value, but the projects before that, the ones that need the first funding to then deliver value, this ones are the ones Mirall0x try to help by showing their resilience, momentum and amount of work done. That way communities can support, and round owners can accept to join their rounds, the ones that are just a feel steps of heaving impact to show and enter the proof of impact ecosystem, avoiding then “sefl-serving’ and sybil projects.

The project has been developed by the founder, Stefi, with the support of Open Data Community and with close relationships with key stakeholders, like the Gitcoin Grants Operation team. The amount gathered in this round will be totally dedicated to the development of the project through bounties for contributors, full time dedication of the founder, operational costs, like APIs, DNS, and further expansion costs. For more information on the future plans of the project, check the project roadmap: https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVM102fu8=/?moveToWidget=3458764559552966951&cot=14

mirall0x History

  • accepted into Web3 Open Source Software 1 year ago. 145 people contributed $173 to the project, and $10 of match funding was provided.

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