MOMM - museum of mind manifesting - IRL physical exhibition space in London
Raising funds to create a permanent space in London for displaying psychedelic and visionary art. Potential strategies include pop-up exhibits leading to a permanent location.

TLDR: The purpose of this grant is to raise funds towards creating a permanent space in London 🇬🇧 to display mind manifesting art / creations / other exhibits.


I was working on this idea back in 2017 but shelved the project. With the Gitcoin grant available, maybe it is time to revisit it?

Still looking for the best name:

  • museum of psychedelic art
  • museum of visionary art
  • museum of mind manifesting art
  • museum of mind manifesting

Anything and everything that opens your mind and changes perspective.

London has people, energy, connoisseurs of psychedelic / mind manifesting / visionary / futuristic art. For example, recently Alex Gray exhibition arrived:

Potential strategies

Strategy 1: pop-up space like

Strategy 2: more permanent

Strategy 1 + 2: pop-up space leading to more permanent

Strategy guerilla / hacker / permission not required: just like Banksy, spreading art to various places. See example:

Exact logistics and strategy TBD depending on the budget. We really hope that the initial grant funding will be enough to make it happen.

Resources already in place

Substantial art collection gathering dust. Not just me, but one other friend. List of artworks on Google Doc

Partnerships (massive experience)

  • - artist collective
  • - exhibition venue

Photo from the BTC 🍕 Day:

Intention and potential benefits

  • Spreading the mind manifesting and psychedelic vibes
  • Art as a way to inspire and change perception of the people
  • Make use of artworks gathering dust
  • Meeting space for the community
  • Promotion of the artists

Questions and contact

Join dedicated Telegram chat:

See you on the other side!

MOMM - museum of mind manifesting - IRL physical exhibition space in London History

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