$79.36 crowdfunded from 43 people

$193.45 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
MUTUAL is a collective exploring design and culture in the digital age, creating products, media, and visuals, contributing to an open-source database to aid builders in a transparent, innovative online society.

MUTUAL is a collective that researches design and culture inside the new internet.

Utilizing applied research methods, we make use of our curiosity to conduct experiments that come to life as; products we build, media we publish, and visual series we create.

As we complete experiments, they become part of a multi_layered, open_source database called the MUTUAL Framework. Engaging with the Framework allows builders to create cultural timestamps of design as it evolves in decentralized society.

Within the world of experimentation, we are open to traversing all routes that lead to a more realized culture for those who build products on the new internet. A culture that embraces transparency and innovation.

MUTUAL History

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