My Old Pull Requests
average score over 4 application evaluations
Developed marketing emails, enhanced hackathon notifications, improved quests, updated Kudos search for multiple networks, and distributed GeoIP files for Gitcoin web package.

The following pull requests to Gitcoin web package:

  • New hackathon-related emails (The job described in (created marketing emails) - Also sends a email when a new hackathon bounty is created.)
  • Quests improvements
  • No hardcoded mainnet in Kudos search (works for Rinkeby)
  • Distribute GeoIP files in dist/ because they are not downloadable anymore

My Old Pull Requests History

Explore projects

Non-profit educates underrepresented groups in tech like blockchain and AI. Offers a week-long educational residency in global tech hubs, online hacker workshops, and career days with major tech companies.
Fully on-chain PVP rogue-like game with random cavern exploration, plundering combat, and strategy-based synthesis system, aiming to create an "Eternal Roblox" within the Lootverse.
A 6-week longevity-focused pop-up city event in Berlin includes a Biohacking Week with cutting-edge lifestyle interventions like blood tests, VO2 Max tests, and expert talks, seeking funding for execution.
Europe's first web3-enabled regenerative village, transforming a 25-hectare retired Portuguese poultry farm into a dynamic, regenerative community; now seeking support for its operation in 2024.
Web3 bootcamp in Africa training developers on Ethereum and Dapps, fostering web3 community growth with free programmes and resources.