$258.25 crowdfunded from 232 people
$6,543.55 received from matching pools
My work in the Arbitrum DAO so far has been mostly behind the scenes. I've been helping the Plurality Labs team with all things related to Snapshot, from posting proposals to analyzing the data of the votes afterward.
My main area of focus is governance, so I've been advising the DAO on technical improvements to governance such as using shielded voting to allow more privacy and reduce strategic voting, or weighted voting to make results more understandable. This participation has been independent of my work at Snapshot Labs.
As a delegate with about 600k ARB, I've been giving advice and recommendations to many projects during the STIP grants process. So far, I've voted in every proposal and shared my reasoning on most of them.
I plan to continue this involvement in the Arbitrum DAO and hope to scale it in the future, I think there is a bright future for the Arbitrum DAO; serious delegates are needed to get there and I'm ready to do my part.
Nathan VDH History
accepted into Arbitrum Citizens Retrofunding Round 1 1 year ago. 232 people contributed $258 to the project, and $6,544 of match funding was provided.