Nebula Web3 Brazil

$254.53 crowdfunded from 46 people

$221.47 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
Empower 15 Rocinha women through a 5-month Web3 and tech education program with scholarships, psychological support, and equipment, aiming for socio-economic improvement and increased tech sector diversity.

Nebula Web3 is a nonprofit organization that builds a fairer, more accessible technological/NFT environment for underprivileged communities. Since its beginning in May 2023, Nebula has offered web3 training courses in favelas in RJ and Porto Alegre, Brazil, benefiting over 200 people to date. The educational program covers various topics, including tokenization, metaverse, NFTs, DAOs, DeDFi, and more. Additionally, Nebula supports a digital inclusion program targeting young individuals and mothers in the Chapadão Complex - RJ. Within this initiative, a support group for 30 mothers has been established, providing continuous psychological counselling and a conducive space for integration before digital inclusion classes.

Nebula Programs in Rio de Janeiro and Porto Alegre- BR

Programas Nebula

This marks our initial grant application at Gitcoin. In the GG19 round, Nebula Web3 seeks funding to support the Program Techwomen Rocinha in Rio de Janeiro, scheduled for the first semester of 2024.

TechWomen Rocinha: Training for the Future of Web3

Project Overview

Nebula Web3 and Plataforma Impact teamed up to create TechWomen Rocinha, aiming to empower women in Rio de Janeiro's Rocinha favela. Through this initiative, women will receive tech education and essential skills for Web3 projects, including programming courses, financial support, and psychological counseling. The goal is to create a supportive environment for learning and professional growth.


Rocinha is the largest vertical favela in Brazil, with an estimated population of around 70,000 inhabitants, according to the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE, 2022). Women make up approximately 52% of this population and face significant challenges such as low income, education, housing infrastructure, limited access to quality education, and job opportunities (IBGE, 2022). Additionally, the technology sector in Brazil is predominantly male, with women representing only about 20% of the workforce (IBGE, 2022). Rocinha

Plataforma Impact

Plataforma Impact is a social impact company that provides programming education for young people and adults in favelas and peripheral communities in Rocinha and throughout Brazil. Operating in Rocinha since 2020, Plataforma has already empowered around 300 individuals, with 20 of them now in the job market. The platform has been doing excellent work, bridging the gap between knowledge, talents in favelas and peripheral communities, and the technology job market. The platform offers Oracle and Alura-certified courses, mentorship with professionals in the technology market, a support community for addressing doubts (Discord and WhatsApp), and lectures to develop hard and soft skills, all free of charge.


1- Provide Logic Programming, Java, Front End, and Soft Skills training for 15 women from Rocinha. 2- Demonstrate how a developer can operate in the web3 industry. 3- Offer scholarships to alleviate the financial burden of participants. 4- Provide continuous psychological support for participants. 5- Offer technical support for the maintenance and/or loan of computers so that participants can also study at home.


The students will receive a personal laptop, allowing them to participate in online classes and complete their weekly practices. Students will have access to Oracle and Alura-certified programming courses. Additionally, they will have access to a Discord group for live mentoring sessions.

On Saturdays, they will attend in-person classes at Plataforma Impact's facilities, revisiting the content and clarifying doubts. The purpose of these meetings is to foster a community spirit, creating a supportive atmosphere for collaborative learning. For mothers among the participants, assistance will be provided to facilitate their attendance in Saturday classes. This support includes educational and recreational workshops for their children.

Additionally, psychological support will be available on a weekly basis, with sessions scheduled individually based on the participant's availability.

Content Tracks: Logic Programming, Java, Front End, and Soft Skills. Workload: 22 hours of commitment per week, distributed over 3 hours and 30 minutes daily from Monday to Friday and 4 hours on Saturdays. Duration: 5 months. Scholarships: Monthly scholarships of 103 DAI per student, aiming to cover basic expenses and encourage continuous participation. Psychological Support: Weekly individual and group sessions with qualified psychologists, focusing on emotional well-being. Recreational Activities: Educational and recreational workshops for the children of participants, facilitating the presence of mothers in program activities on Saturdays.

Estimated Costs

Instructors: 2500 DAI Educational Materials and Software Licenses: 400 DAI Scholarships: 7,500 DAI Psychology Professionals: 2,000 DAI Childhood Activities: 500 DAI Other Costs (Administration, Equipment, Internet, etc.): 1000 DAI Total Estimated Cost: 13,900 DAI


Program Coordination: Paloma Menguer (Project Manager at Nebula), Nilo Junior (Community Manager and Mentor at Nebula Web3), and Alessandra Caldeira (Operations and Partnerships Manager at Plataforma Impact) Coordination Assistant: Mayara Rosário (Plataforma Impact) Marketing and Communication: Daniela Zschaber (Nebula web3) and Raiane Gomes (Plataforma Impact)

Expected Impact

- Improvement in the socio-economic status of 15 women and their families. - Increase in female representation in the technological web3 sector. - Establishment of a supportive community and network for women in technology in Rocinha.


Preparation and Recruitment Phase: 1 month Execution of the Teaching Program: 5 months Follow-up and Results Evaluation: 1 month

Nebula Web3 Brazil History

  • accepted into Web3 Community and Education 10 months ago. 46 people contributed $255 to the project, and $221 of match funding was provided.

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