Night talk
average score over 1 application evaluations

Every Saturday and Sunday at 8 o'clock in the evening, we will hold a voice chat, inviting Chinese people from all over the world to communicate on different topics.

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Niural is an HR and Payroll platform allowing global hiring, onboarding, and payment in multiple tokens and currencies across various wallets, focusing on compliance and tax management.
Simplified, diversified crypto investment platform offering easy access to a basket of various cryptocurrencies.
Web3 project leveraging NFTs representing endangered species to fight climate change through reforestation, mangrove planting, and carbon credit distribution. Aim for negative carbon emissions and ecological-economic value integration.
Protocol Gemini uses VoyageAR to combine Unreal Engine and blockchain for creating and owning customized virtual spaces in the metaverse, enabling digital asset rights and trade.
PDX DAO, now Ethereal Forest, focuses on creating a participatory city DAO with research, tool curation, community engagement, global collaboration, and real-life events for local public good initiatives.