$193.43 crowdfunded from 127 people

$1,868.67 received from matching pools

average score over 2 application evaluations
Web3 community in Latin America seeking funding to educate and promote blockchain adoption; offering educational programs, content amplification, and mentoring for Web3 enthusiasts and entrepreneurs.


T2LATAM is a Web3 community based in Latin America, with the main objective of educating and promoting the adoption of blockchain and Web3 technologies in the region. For over 2 years, we have been working closely with the community to promote understanding and harness the benefits that these technologies offer.

Evento Axie Mixer

Our mission at T2LATAM is to act as a catalyst and support space for content creators, enthusiasts, gamers, and entrepreneurs, providing them with the necessary tools and knowledge to fully leverage the potential of Web3. We aim to empower the community to be the drivers of this digital transformation, equipping them with the necessary tools to make a positive impact in their own lives and in society as a whole.

Currently, we are seeking funding through this grant to strengthen and expand our activities in the region by:

  1. Development of educational programs to train the community on the fundamental concepts of Web3 and blockchain, as well as their use cases and potential benefits.
  2. Amplification of content creation: Production of entertaining and educational content in various formats (articles, videos, podcasts) to disseminate up-to-date and relevant information about Web3 and blockchain, and to promote greater understanding and adoption in the region.
  3. Mentorship program: This program aims to guide novice entrepreneurs in Web3 and the Gitcoin Grants scheme. Experienced mentors will offer technical and strategic guidance, maximizing the impact of projects. We aim to nurture emerging talent in Web3 and support all those contributing to the development of public goods.

Creación de contenido


  • Establishment of the First Formal Web3 Scholarship and Training Academy: We have created the first academy dedicated to scholarships and training in Web3 technologies, providing individuals interested in the opportunity to acquire the skills and knowledge needed to actively participate in the Web3 ecosystem.
  • Popularization of Web3 Gaming Phenomenon: Through various community-focused activities and collaborations, we have played a fundamental role in popularizing the Web3 gaming phenomenon in Latin America, promoting its adoption, and raising awareness about its income-generating opportunities in the region.
  • Over 18,000 People Registered on Our Website: Our website has successfully attracted and engaged over 18,000 individuals interested in learning about Web3 and blockchain, demonstrating the growing demand and interest in the region.
  • Hosting the First Officially Supported Axie Infinity Event in LATAM: We organized the first event in Latin America officially backed by Axie Infinity, bringing the community together to share knowledge and experiences. Watch the full aftermovie here:
  • Community Reconstruction through Loyalty Benefits: We have rebuilt and strengthened our community by implementing a loyalty benefits program, incentivizing members to actively participate, share knowledge, and promote the sustainable growth of the Web3 ecosystem in LATAM.



Carlos Mariano Casabal , Founder & CEO:

  • Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mariano-casabal-850723177/

Demian Nazareno Cantarelli, Project Manager:

  • LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/demian-cantarelli-215979250/

Francisco Bell, Partner & Investor.

Ignacio Franco, Account Executive.

María Eugenia Ubici, Social Media Manager

Federico Navarro, Content Creator.


Web: https://www.t2latam.com/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/T2LATAM

  • Followers: 38.750 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/t2latam/
  • Followers: 48.729 Discord: https://discord.com/invite/Vrd8CRbNgN
  • Members: 12.983 Newsletter:
  • Followers: 16.589 YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@T2LATAM
  • Followers: 2.510 TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@t2latam
  • Followers: 4.650 Twitch: https://twitch.tv/t2latam
  • Followers: 2.290


  1. Expansion and Strengthening of the Community: We aim to continue expanding and strengthening our community around Web3, making this technology more commonplace and familiar in people's daily lives. Our focus will be on increasing community participation and engagement, as well as reaching new audiences and sectors of society that are not yet familiar with Web3. We will implement marketing strategies, awareness campaigns, and active participation programs to spread knowledge about Web3 and promote its widespread adoption.
  2. Development of Educational Programs: We seek to create and develop robust educational programs that provide comprehensive training on the fundamental concepts of Web3 and blockchain to the community. These programs will include workshops, courses, and interactive events designed to foster a deep understanding of these technologies, as well as their use cases and potential benefits. We aim to empower a large number of people across the LATAM region, promoting informed and responsible adoption of Web3.
  3. Amplification of Content Creation and Contribution to Public Goods: We aim to expand and enhance content creation on Web3 and blockchain, producing entertaining and educational materials in various formats such as articles, videos, and podcasts. Recognizing the importance of contributing to public goods projects, our goal is to disseminate updated and relevant information that fosters understanding and adoption of these technologies in the region. We will work closely with experts and industry leaders to generate quality content that is accessible and engaging to the general public, with the vision of providing a valuable and free resource.
  4. Empowerment and Compensation of Regional Developers: We seek to provide developers in the region with the opportunity to acquire greater knowledge of Web3 platforms, protocols, and other emerging technologies. Through training programs and mentorships, we aim to foster the development of technical and creative skills in the field of Web3, allowing local developers to access new opportunities and resources for their professional growth.


  1. Creation of "Learn to Earn" programs to incentivize interaction and foster a strong community focused on growth together.
  2. Establishment of partnerships with communities in the LATAM region to promote the dissemination of up-to-date and relevant information about Web3 through their channels and platforms.
  3. Organization of in-person and online workshops covering the fundamental concepts of Web3 and blockchain, facilitating active participation and hands-on learning.
  4. Implementation of a mentorship program for selected projects, providing the necessary resources to kickstart their journey into the world of Web3.
  5. Hosting community meetings to share experiences and foster collective growth.
  6. Hackathon for developers: To develop and create solutions that leverage the features and capabilities of blockchain technology while advancing their professional skills.


Organization of events and conferences aimed at the community.

  • Definition of goals and topics: Establish clear objectives for the events and conferences, as well as relevant topics for the Web3 community.
  • Identification of speakers and experts: Search for and select speakers and experts in Web3 and blockchain who can provide valuable insights and relevant experiences.
  • Planning and logistics: Organize the event logistics, including the venue, program, agenda, promotion, and registration management.
  • Active participation: Design interactive sessions, panel discussions, and hands-on activities that encourage participation and engagement from attendees.
  • Evaluation and improvement: Gather feedback and conduct post-event evaluations to identify areas for improvement and enhance future editions.

Creation of "Learn to Earn" programs:

  • Design of Engaging Activities: We will create attractive activities that incentivize and reward active community participation. We will develop contests, challenges, and prizes that are relevant to the interests and needs of the participants, thereby fostering interaction and the building of a strong and engaged community.
  • Outreach and Promotion: Once the activities are designed, it is essential to use effective marketing strategies and appropriate communication channels to disseminate the programs and generate broad participation. We will employ outreach campaigns on social media, websites, and other relevant platforms to reach the target audience and promote active involvement in the programs.
  • Tracking and Recognition: We will establish a tracking system, recognize, and reward the most active and dedicated participants, which will encourage the continuity of their commitment and motivate others to get involved actively.
  • Feedback and Improvement: Participant feedback is crucial for continuously improving and adapting the programs to meet their needs and expectations. We will collect comments and opinions through surveys, Q&A sessions, and other forms of interaction with the community. This feedback will guide us in making necessary adjustments and enhancements to the programs.

Establishment of Alliances with Communities:

  • Research and Selection: Identify and connect with communities and content creator groups in the LATAM region that have an affinity for Web3 and blockchain topics.
  • Collaboration Proposal: Approach the selected communities to propose alliances and explain the mutual benefits of collaboration.
  • Co-creation of Content: Work together with the content creator communities to develop relevant, engaging, and high-quality content that promotes the dissemination of up-to-date information about Web3.
  • Promotion and Distribution: Utilize the channels and platforms of the content creator communities to promote and distribute the generated content, reaching a wider and more diverse audience.
  • Measurement of Results: Track key performance indicators (KPIs) to assess the impact of the collaboration and adjust strategies as needed.

Organization of in-person and online workshops.

  • Designing the content and structure of the workshop: Defining the fundamental concepts of Web3 and blockchain to be covered in the workshop and structuring the program in a clear and didactic manner.
  • Identifying qualified instructors: Selecting instructors with experience and knowledge in Web3 and blockchain to lead the workshops.
  • Promotion and marketing: Using appropriate marketing strategies and communication channels to promote the workshops and attract interested participants.
  • Evaluation and feedback: Collecting feedback and opinions from participants to assess the effectiveness of the workshop and make improvements for future editions.

Mentorship program in Web3 and Grants onboarding:

  • Definition of objectives and eligibility criteria: Establishing the goals of the mentorship program and defining eligibility criteria for projects wishing to participate in the program.
  • Call for mentors and selection: Launching a call to recruit mentors with experience in the Web3 ecosystem and relevant areas. Establishing a selection process to assess and choose the most suitable mentors for each project.
  • Project application and selection: Inviting new Web3 projects to submit applications to participate in the mentorship program. Evaluating the received applications and selecting projects that meet the established criteria.
  • Mentor-project pairing: Carefully matching mentors with the selected projects, considering their experience, specific project needs, and growth objectives.
  • Ongoing support and follow-up: Establishing open communication channels for projects to seek guidance and additional support between mentorship sessions. Conducting regular follow-ups to assess the progress and growth of the projects.

Organization of community gatherings to share experiences and foster growth together.

  • Goal setting: Define the objectives of the meetup, focused on fostering interaction among community members, sharing enriching experiences, and promoting collective growth in the Web3 space.
  • Planning and logistics: Organize the date, location, and necessary resources for the meetup, whether in person or online. Coordinate practical aspects such as participant registration, setting up the venue, and providing necessary materials.
  • Promotion and outreach: Use friendly marketing and communication strategies to promote the meetup, reaching the Web3 community and other interested individuals. Utilize effective communication channels, such as social media, newsletters, and discussion groups, to generate excitement and participation.
  • Interactive dynamics: Design activities and dynamics that encourage active participation from attendees, such as Q&A sessions, thematic discussion groups, and structured networking opportunities.
  • Follow-up and feedback: Collect feedback and opinions from attendees to assess the impact of the meetup and make improvements in future editions. Value feedback as a tool for continuous growth and adaptation of the event according to the community's needs.
  • Promote continuity: Keep the community active and connected between meetups, facilitating communication and idea exchange. Encourage collaboration and mutual support among community members for sustainable growth.
  • Celebrate achievements: Recognize and highlight the accomplishments and successes of community members during the meetup, creating an atmosphere of celebration and motivation. Inspire others to keep progressing and contributing to the development of the Web3 ecosystem.

Hackathon for developers:

  • Defining the objective, forming the organizing team, selecting dates and location, seeking sponsors and resources.
  • Designing a marketing strategy to promote the event and attract developers interested in Web3 technologies. Setting up an online registration platform for interested developers to sign up for the Hackathon. Maintaining active and clear communication with participants before the event, providing updates, answering questions, and offering guidance on available resources.
  • Ensuring all logistical aspects are ready before the start of the Hackathon; kicking off the Hackathon and providing the necessary time for developers to work on their projects. After the Hackathon concludes, evaluating the projects presented based on pre-defined criteria and selecting the winners. Rewarding outstanding teams or individuals with attractive prizes that encourage further development and engagement in the field of Web3.
  • Feedback and learning: Collecting feedback from participants to understand their experience and gather valuable insights for improving future editions. Analyzing the results obtained and learning from the experience to grow and enhance the Hackathon in the future.

T2 LATAM History

  • accepted into Meta Pool LatAm GG18 10 months ago. 56 people contributed $105 to the project, and $1,661 of match funding was provided.
  • accepted into Web3 Community and Education 10 months ago. 71 people contributed $89 to the project, and $207 of match funding was provided.

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