Olimpio Education

$2,661.03 crowdfunded from 1077 people

$3,029.94 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
Twitter DeFi influencer provides free educational content on crypto, tools, and airdrops, seeks grant to expand research and improve information delivery.

I am a Twitter DeFi user (@OlimpioCrypto) and I research, curate, and create free tutorials and information via Twitter on how to discover new tools, technologies, and protocols related to DeFi, cryptocurrencies, and airdrops.

I am also part of the operating team of a Discord community server called Earndrop Alpha with an educational and information-sharing focus, with more than 27,000 users, and a Telegram group chat.

The content I research and post publicly through different communications channels has helped hundreds of users navigate web3 and discover protocols, chains, and cryptocurrency information.

Capital raised through this grant will be used to fund my research and help grow and create a team to provide better free information on DeFi, airdrops, and blockchain technology.

Olimpio Education History

  • accepted into Web3 Community and Education 8 months ago. 1077 people contributed $2,661 to the project, and $3,030 of match funding was provided.

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