Onvote leverages the Vocdoni Protocol to introduce an innovative voting platform tailored for the web3 ecosystem. This platform marks the advent of token-based governance, offering a flexible, modular, and decentralized solution. It adheres to the highest privacy standards, uniquely designed to cater to the distinct needs of each blockchain-based community.
Onvote MVP (release November 2023)
- Participate in Web3 communities and DAO with guaranteed anonymity, leveraging zkSNARKs to ensure the privacy of each vote.
- Cast votes without any cost.
- Leverage a flexible protocol that allows multiple voting methods (simple, ranged, quadratic,..) and create complex census strategies to determine voters eligibility.
- Cast votes aggregating the power weight from various blockchains simultaneously (This includes ERC20, NFTs, POAPs and more).
- All within an easy zero-config user interface.
Onvote Project Roadmap for 2024
Milestone 1: Onvote's Flexible Gasless Governance
- Complex Strategies: Integrate any token from any blockchain using a blend of logic and algebraic operations.
- Social Census: Enhance your census with social identities from platforms like Github or Twitter.
- Advanced Voting Types: Support for diverse voting systems including Quadratic, Range, Ranked, and Approval voting.
- Private Election Metadata: Only display voting proposal content to your community members.
- Chainlink Integration: Enable automatic execution with optimistic support.
Milestone 2: Onvote's zkRollup for Secure and Anonymous binding Voting
- zkRegistry: A global on-chain registry for zk (zero-knowledge) identities.
- zkCensus: Create an off-chain zk-friendly census, with on-chain verification.
- zkVoting: Facilitate anonymous, off-chain (gasless) voting for any eligible voter.
- zkRollup: Consolidate all votes into a single, secure zkProof using custom zkRollup technology
- Execution: Submit the final proof on-chain for binding execution.
Onvote Main Attributes
Unlock true democracy with zkSNARKs! Participants can cast their votes with complete anonymity, ensuring every voice is heard without compromise. This mitigates undue influence, and eliminates the pressures and biases associated with public voting.
Census strategies
Craft the perfect census strategy combining variables to determine voter eligibility. Leverage combinations of multiple tokens from EVM-based networks and other data.
Gasless voting
Paying for voting is wrong. To eliminate barriers and uphold governance, voting on Onvote is gasless. Only the initiators of voting processes bear the cost.
Combine tokens across any chain to maximize voting power. For example, holders can vote with all their $UNI on Polygon, Optimism, Ethereum and more!
Flexible protocol
Onvote uses a highly flexible ballot protocol that allows multiple voting methods (like simple, quadratic or ranked voting) as well as other customizations to fit your unique requirements. You can unleash all its potential with our user-friendly SDK.
We believe as something as important as your vote must be open-source and publicly audited to be trusted. We release everything under AGPLv3.
Decentralized and Universally Verifiable
Onvote runs on top a specialized decentralized network built for digital voting. All the process is universally verifiable, censorship resistant and the votes are completely tamper-proof.
Highly scalable
Onvote leverages the Vocdoni protocol, a common good network specifically designed and optimized for digital voting. Thanks to this Onvote can process up to 500 TPS (achieved with comodity hardware!).
Sneak peek
Screenshots from the Preview version, final version launch in November 2023.
Where to find Onvote
Follow us on Twitter and Farcaster and stay tuned, Onvote will be published within the following two weeks.
Onvote - Anonymous, gasless and modular Web3 voting History
applied to the Web3 Open Source Software 1 year ago which was rejected