Open Town

$182.42 crowdfunded from 13 people

$615.83 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
Web3 platform facilitating local community problem-solving through NFT issuance and sales, enabling global participation and revenue for development projects without technical barriers.

Open Town Project

How Open Town supports web3 improvement

Problem: Many web3 projects attract users with speculative purposes, and have little positive impact on society. Additionally, there are barriers to user participation, such as the need for wallets, which hinder widespread involvement.

Solution/Key message: Open Town aims to support local community problem-solving globally through an easy-to-use web3 platform.

Impact: Organizations around the world will be able to execute web3 projects without requiring specialized knowledge or preparation. The Open Town platform allows for NFT issuance, management, and sales with no specialized knowledge required. Organizations will be responsible for project planning and promotion, allowing them to realize their web3 projects. This will expand the potential for web3 to exert a positive influence on society.


The Open Town Project enables NGOs and local governments to issue and sell their Open Town NFTs, generating revenue for local development. Our objective is to address the challenges faced by communities worldwide, such as budget shortages and a lack of human resources.

Through the sale of NFTs, we tackle budget shortages, while our team provides support and promotes cooperation among participating communities to address the issue of a lack of human resources.

We have already successfully completed projects in three countries and are currently working on more projects as part of our initiative.

What is Open Town?

Open Town is a network that operates both online and offline and is comprised of the following components:




The participating community issues a series of NFTs that showcase the unique characteristics of their local area. These NFTs are sold globally, and the revenue generated from the sales is used to fund town development projects in the community.

NFT holders are granted voting rights on "where to carry out the next Open Town project", enabling them to shape the project's course and contribute to the development of communities around the world.

NFT rewards

NFT purchasers will receive rewards that enable them to experience the various benefits achieved through the project when they visit each region.


The OPENTOWN token is widely distributed among project stakeholders such as town teams and community members who collaborate with the town team to carry out regional development.

OPENTOWN token holders can receive a portion of NFT sales revenue by staking their tokens. They are also granted voting rights on the location selection for the next town development project.


  1. Communities seeking to promote the development of their regions can participate in Open Town by submitting a project proposal.
    1. OPENTOWN tokens are granted to the community team and distributed to cooperating community members.
  2. The community team issues and sells a series of NFTs.
  3. The project is carried out using the revenue generated from NFT sales.
  4. Rewards are provided to NFT holders.





The first Open Town project was implemented in Karungu Village, Uganda.

We partnered with Faith Angels Ministry, a Community-Based Organization (a non-profit civil society organization that undertakes activities anchored in the local community) located in the Rubanda District of the Republic of Uganda, to execute this project. We raised funds by selling NFTs together and utilized the proceeds to improve the village's infrastructure.

1st Project


Karungu Village was experiencing a scarcity of water storage facilities, leading children to undertake a daily 12-kilometer journey along a mountainous path to the river to obtain water.

To solve this issue, we built concrete rainwater storage tanks that have an estimated lifespan of over 20 years, subject to regular maintenance and repairs.

2nd Project


Before, the classrooms were provisional structures that lacked windows, doors, and floors, leaving children susceptible to physical discomfort caused by the cold and other weather elements. Through the public sale of Savanna Kidz NFTs, we constructed a facility where children can pursue their studies in comfort, protected from the cold and rain.


The NFT series "LOMBOK KIDZ" was issued in October 2022 on Lombok Island, Indonesia. The profits from its sales have been used to initiate the construction of a community house.




A web3 school called "JOYLAB" has commenced operation in Yokoze Town, Saitama Prefecture, Japan, which requires NFT ownership for enrollment. This school welcomes learners of all ages to explore the blockchain, web3, and NFTs while also providing the opportunity to craft and market their NFT artwork.


Coming towns

Organizations from more than 9 towns, in countries like Thailand, Indonesia, and Japan, have recently joined the project.

We aim to implement Open Town in 25 locations by the end of 2023 and 100 locations by 2024.


The Open Town project has been made possible through the collaborative efforts of our diverse and talented team. Our team consists of seasoned professionals with over a decade of experience in international cooperation, who have established invaluable networks with NGOs, the United Nations, the World Bank, and other esteemed international organizations.

Moreover, our team includes experts in Web3, such as the former COO of a Japanese cryptocurrency exchange and blockchain engineers, who have specialized knowledge in this field. We have also successfully operated the donation-based crowdfunding platform "Airfunding," which has enabled more than 500,000 individuals worldwide to bring their projects to fruition.

Building upon our expertise and successful track record, our team has gained a wealth of knowledge and achievements in fundraising and executing diverse projects.

Road map


  • Open Town begins.
  • Open Town successfully builds water tanks and classrooms in Karungu Village, Uganda.
  • The community house construction begins in Lombok Island, Indonesia.
  • The first Open Town project in Japan is designated to take place in Yokoze.


More than 9 towns in Thailand, Indonesia, and Japan, will join the Open Town project. Open Town evolves into an autonomous platform.

  • Spring 2023
    • Shimonoseki (Japan): To facilitate the introduction of Web3 technology to local communities in the Chugoku region.
    • Miraite (Japan): An educational project slated for implementation at a high school in Kanagawa Prefecture.
    • Yokoze (Japan): A project aimed at revitalizing abandoned farmlands.
  • Summer 2023
    • Colorbath (Japan x Nepal): An agriculture-related project situated in rural Nepal.
    • Gibbon Project (Thailand): An animal welfare project aimed at aiding the rescue and rehabilitation of gibbons in Phuket.
    • Jiwa Garden (Indonesia): An environmental project aimed at promoting sustainable agriculture and waste management practices in Bali.
    • Maikhao (Thailand): An environmental project aimed at promoting waste management, recycling, and beach cleaning initiatives in the Maikhao area of Phuket.
    • Kitakyushu, Fukushima Prefectures (Japan): Currently planning summer festivals where NFT holders will be able to participate as community members.
  • Autumn 2023:
    • CLEAN&ART (Japan): The world's first web3 project that will instigate tangible changes in Shibuya through NFT minting.
  • Others
    • We are presently contemplating multiple Web3/Digital residency projects inspired by the Estonian e-residency program, in collaboration with diverse local governments throughout Japan.

Open Town History

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