$3.83 crowdfunded from 2 people
OpenGuitar is a social-educational project to promote computer science learning through an open-source experimental classical guitar, which can be assembled in small workshops.
Our work is organized along two pathways: The builders pathway followed by the players pathway.
The OpenGuitar builders pathway has a focus on STEAM education (science, technology, engineering, arts and math) for children and teenagers from disadvantaged backgrounds, including children with disabilities, marginalised children and those living in humanitarian and emergency settings.
About us
We are Fernando Bravo, a cognitive neuroscientist working on music technology and Torsten Goerke, a technologist working on research data infrastructure. We joined forces to empower music educators all over the world by making high quality instruments available to them for teaching music students.
Building a cyber-physical commons infrastructure for the OpenGuitar ecosystem is challenging. With Alas DAO we are working to create a Cyber Physical Commons for OpenGuitar. We are a community of researchers and artists who want to reduce the impact of data monopolies in the realm of cyber-physical systems. Our community members share a mission to create digital public goods and sustain their use. Please help us to get OpenGuitar into the world!
OpenGuitar History
accepted into Web3 Community and Education 1 year ago. 2 people contributed $4 to the project, and $0 of match funding was provided.