ostanescu.eth @ ETH Global Istanbul
average score over 1 application evaluations
Volunteer Octav, with experience at multiple ETH events, seeks to learn and contribute at ETH Global Istanbul to enhance ETH Bucharest and NFT Bucharest events. Available for networking, March 16-20.

Gm frens,

My name is Octav and I will helping out as a volunteer at ETH Global Istanbul.

After volunteering at a several previous ETH events (ETH Toronto, ETH Gathering Barcelona and ETH CC [6]) I am very excited to experience and learn from the team of ETH Global.

As I am one of the co-founders of ETH Bucharest and NFT Bucharest, it will help me and my team to understand how we can provide a great experience for all parties involved.

I will be in Istanbul from the 16th afteroon to lunch time on the 20th and I look forward to connecting with as many people as possible.

If you are interested in having a chat about ETH Bucharest or NFT Bucharest, let's connect during DevConnect/ ETH Global.

#LFG 🚀

ostanescu.eth @ ETH Global Istanbul History

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