cadCAD is an open-source package for designing, testing, and validating complex systems through simulation. So far, it has been maintained primarily through volunteer efforts by contributors and its creator, Block.Science, an engineering, R&D, and analytics firm specializing in complex systems and operations research. Currently, a version in Python is live, with two more implementations pending public release: one in Julia, and a redesign in Python.
This modeling and simulation tool is the software application of Generalized Dynamical Systems, a mathematical framework first developed in the 1950s useful in studying enforceable contracts and token engineering. Today, cadCAD is being applied in R&D across economic, social and environmental impact, digital public infrastructure, and crypto economic systems. It has been used for designing and validating projects with FIL, Gitcoin, Hedera, Delphia, Cosmos, and others. A Rust-based extension of cadCAD was used for modeling the Ethereum merge.
Once a model is created, and they system it represents is live, it can be used as a digital twin of that system for ongoing, up-to-date operational decision support and analysis.
The cadCAD Foundation is seeking donations to further develop cadCAD, with support for core development contributions, expanding model libraries, creation of tooling, and launching educational bounties for community growth. Budget permitting, hiring support roles for community and project management, institutional development, and attendance at key scientific computing and cryptoeconomic forums helps The cadCAD Foundation establish the partnerships for accelerating development and key partners for sustained funding.
In addition to core development, we want to develop a bounty program to accelerate the creation of resources that can help onboard people from different backgrounds to cadCAD, such as:
A read the docs-like style documentation website
Library of reference demo models and open source model templates of general purpose crypto-primitives
Updated tutorial modeling series to cover the full extent of cadCAD's core feature set
Visual cadCAD diagramming and GUI-based model builder to help visualize, plan, or rapidly develop a cadCAD model.
PROGRESS TO DATE cadCAD 0.5.2 is live, addressing core functionality and QoL updates.
cadCAD.jl, a Julia based implementation for professional workflows, is on target for an imminent alpha release this Q2 2024. We are targeting onboarding early adopters shortly.
cadCAD Reference, the python redesign, is in a running MVP state and solidified the API design. This enabled cadCAD.jl development, where early user testing and feedback will help drive design and development on cadCAD Reference block pipelines for multiple input and output models.
On the community side, The cadCAD Foundation has identified a fiscal sponsor for non-profit recognition, enabling the ability for benefiting from charitable giving. We are also preparing bounty programs with partners to seed growth in model testing and development, education and operations.
Donations will go to the cadCAD multisig managed by keyholders from the volunteer team. The BlockScience team and existing cadCAD user community will provide support for new community members engaging through the bounty program, documentation, and direction for this next phase of growth.
So far, cadCAD core development has been funded by BlockScience, with support for education, community, and documentation improvements from Token Engineering Commons and Token Engineering Academy. This grant enables The cadCAD Foundation to self-fund more development and support in order to accelerate progress along our mission for safer, better designs of complex, adaptive systems. As more of our lives and load-bearing civilizational infrastructure relies on digital systems, we want useful, easy-to-deploy cadCAD models and digital twins to inform how these systems are built and operated.
Check out the following articles to discover some of the high impact projects where cadCAD is being applied:
If you want to learn more about how and why cadCAD was created, take a look at these posts:
We appreciate your donations and support and welcome you to join our community:
~cadCAD Team & Volunteer Contributors
Chris Catoya
Emanuel Lima
Michael Zargham
Danilo Bernardineli
Sean McOwen
David Sisson
Jessica Zartler
Jeff Emmett
The cadCAD Foundation History
accepted into GG21 DeSci Round 7 months ago.
applied to the Token Engineering the Superchain 7 months ago which was rejected
accepted into Developer Tooling and Libraries 10 months ago.
accepted into Token Engineering QF Grants Round: Spring 2024 10 months ago.