$1,088.73 crowdfunded from 408 people
$12,578.10 received from matching pools
“Hope Lodge is more than just a room, more than just a space for me to stay. It was, and it still is, a relief to my heart and to my soul.” – Hilda cancer survivor
- At over 30 locations across the United States, our Hope Lodge® program offers a home away from home for people facing cancer and their families when treatment is far away.
- Hope Lodge® serves over 29,000 patients and caregivers each year, saving more than $55 million in lodging costs.
Getting the best care sometimes means cancer patients must travel away from home. This can place an extra emotional and financial burden on patients and caregivers during an already challenging time. The American Cancer Society is trying to make this difficult situation easier for both cancer patients and their families through our lodging programs.
Hope Lodge® Communities
American Cancer Society Hope Lodge® communities offer a free home away from home for people facing cancer and their caregivers when cancer treatment is far away. At the 30+ Hope Lodge locations throughout the United States and Puerto Rico, ACS provides free lodging to more than 29,000 cancer patients and caregivers each year, saving them more than $55 million in lodging costs.
Patient Lodging Programs History
accepted into American Cancer Society 1 year ago. 408 people contributed $1,089 to the project, and $12,578 of match funding was provided.