Phirotto is a protocol for "reverse airdrop" of treasury funds back to investors. We help stalled projects to wind down operations and effortlessly distribute the remainding funds among token holders or any other groups of eligible parties on a rollup, where the funds are bridged through a native bridge without risks to loose the money
On Arbitrum the funds can be swapped to one of the selected stablecoins using Uniswap integration so that the distributions are easily computed and there are no risks of loosing the monetary value while holding volatile assets. Besides, since the funds can be sitting idle for a while while the community is making the claims - they can be used in farming projects and any accrued rewards can be later distributed to the same group of eligible claimers
Phirotto aims at simplifying the process of funds distribution, we offer a convenient interface for managing claim amounts where the data can be extracted as a list of current holders of a particular ERC-20 token on any EVM chain, NFT holders or any other potentially useful source of address/claim amount information. After the initial population of data - it can be also adjusted to account for external factors, prior to finalizing the merkle tree used for claims in the vault on Arbitrum. We also provide a convenient Gnosis Safe app for easier deposits of funds to a vault created on an L2
In future the Phirotto protocol might help tokenholders to influence a potentially fraudulent project to persuade them to return the funds that might be held against investrs’ will through public disclosure and legal means if necessary. We foresee Phirotto to be the #1 protocol to help bring more justice to the investors of failed projects on Ethereum and elsewhere
Phirotto History
applied to the Uniswap-Arbitrum Grant Program (UAGP) 1 year ago of which the application is still in a pending state