
$544.05 crowdfunded from 334 people

$1,321.35 received from matching pools

average score over 4 application evaluations
A platform enabling writers to monetize articles through donations and a unique Quadratic Funding model that also curates quality discussion by donor-only commenting.

The platform aims to create a sustainable and equitable funding mechanism for article posts and provide writers with the opportunity to earn income from their contributions. User donations unlock commenting functionality and enable support through Quadratic Funding.


PledgePost is a platform where writers can publish their articles, collect donations, and receive extra funds based on those donations through Quadratic Funding (QF). QF is a unique model designed to allocate funds based on both the number of contributors and the amounts they contribute. Unlike traditional funding models where every contribution is valued equally, QF amplifies the influence of each individual donation, fostering broader participation. PledgePost has two strengths. First, PledgePost enhances a writer's earning potential. Individual writers can monetise in two ways: donations from users and funds from a matching pool. Second, only donors can leave comments. Donation-gating encourages qualified discussions and forces bad actors to cost.


We envision a world where contributions to collective intelligence, a vital public good, are duly rewarded. PledgePost's primary objective is not only to promote open knowledge-sharing but also to ensure it's incentivized and esteemed. Our platform ensures writers are fairly compensated for their pivotal role in enriching our collective intelligence.

Core Features:

  1. Content Creation and Management Writers can effortlessly draft and publish their articles on the platform. Flexibility is offered to apply for grant rounds at any time.
  2. Grant Rounds Grant rounds take place quarterly. Diverse grant rounds are available each quarter, allowing writers to match their articles with the most fitting rounds. At each quarter's end, funds from a matching pool are allocated according to QF principles, prioritizing both donation sizes and the number of donors.
  3. Community Engagement Users can financially back articles that resonate with them or that they believe hold value. Only donors have the privilege to comment on an article. This system not only uplifts the quality of discourse by ensuring engaged and invested participants but also reduces the likelihood of spam or derogatory comments. Moreover, the opportunity to engage in discussions can act as an added incentive for donations, possibly encouraging more robust participation and higher contributions.
  4. Dashboard Features A detailed dashboard enables writers to draft, edit, and publish their articles. It also provides insights into contribution amounts, donor counts, and comment statistics.


Hiromi: Shuhei Tanaka:

PledgePost History

  • applied to the Web3 Open Source Software 8 months ago which was rejected
  • accepted into SheFi Octant Round 7 months ago.
  • accepted into Web3 Social 8 months ago. 293 people contributed $266 to the project, and $714 of match funding was provided.
  • accepted into SheFi GG19 Round 8 months ago. 41 people contributed $207 to the project, and $607 of match funding was provided.

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