$488.09 crowdfunded from 88 people

$786.47 received from matching pools

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An open-source book project aiming to redefine the relationship between democracy and technology through a vision of pluralistic, Web3-enabled collaborative governance, with a focus on digital democracy and large-scale global participation.

1. Project Overview

"Plurality: The Future of Collaborative Technology and Democracy" is an open, collaborative book project that aims to show and tell the future of digitally empowered collaboration, as embodied by regenerative Web3. By offering an alternative to the standard AI-focused Synthetic Technocracy and hyper-capitalist Corporate Libertarian narratives, project leaders Audrey Tang and E. Glen Weyl will present a comprehensive, full-stack, rigorously grounded vision for how democracy and technology can become allies. Drawing on their experiences as respectively the Digital Minister leading the largest scale national experiment (in Taiwan) with these tools and the intellectual leader of their development, Audrey and Glen are organizing a community of hundreds around the world by harnessing novel Web3-native tools (like quadratic funding, voting, soulbound tokens, prediction markets, etc.) to produce the first mainstream best-selling CC0 book.

2. Objectives of the Project

  • To dissect and disseminate the successful model of digital democracy as exemplified by Taiwan and other forward-thinking societies.
  • To advocate for the use of digital tools as a means to enhance democratic participation and combat authoritarianism.
  • To reinvent publishing by harnessing regenerative Web3 tools
  • To welcome thousands around the world to participate in one of the largest experiments with these tools as they also tell the world about them
  • To launch Audrey Tang as an international symbol of Plurality and regenerative web3

Impact Goals

Short-Term Impact:

  • Foster an informed, global discourse on the potential of digital democracy.
  • Encourage the adoption of democratic innovations through shared knowledge and best practices.
  • Equip readers with the conceptual tools to imagine and work towards a more pluralistic future.
  • Build a global Plurality community (10k contributors, 1k on Discord channel) capable of carrying the movement forward
  • 100k people should read the book by the end of 2025
  • 1m people should buy the book or NFT by the end of 2025
  • 10m people should have consumed a podcast or similar content about the book by the end of 2024
  • 100m people should be aware of the book by the end of 2024.

Long-Term Impact:

This book is part of a broader Plurality movement, including a documentary being made about Audrey, several organizations, etc. Together we hope these will, by 2030:

  • Establish Plurality as a co-equal of “crypto” and “AI” as a paradigm for the future of technology and a coequal of the Green movement in politics .
  • Make Taiwan a global symbol of digital democracy with the same warmth many Americans feel for Israel
  • Create a trans hero widely respected by conservatives around the world (Audrey is the world’s first trans minister)
  • Give people around the world a justified belief that democracy can improve as much as technology does.

Project Significance

In the next 18 months, at a time when confidence in democracies is at a low since the Cold War and Generative AI threatens to further erode the integrity of democracy, 80% of people living in democracies have elections. 2024 may be viewed as the turning point at which democracy either revived its fortunes or finally collapsed. Plurality offers a vision of how the tools developed by the Web3 community and harnessed to transform Taiwan can rescue democracy in its darkest moment since the Second World War.
The collective voice of this book will offer hope and practical guidance for individuals, communities, and nations seeking to harness the democratizing potential of technology. By drawing on diverse perspectives and stories, will be a beacon for those resonating with the ideals of shared reality, collaborative learning, and enriched human experience.


In the face of accelerating technological advancement and complex global challenges, "Plurality: The Future of Collaborative Technology and Democracy" is an invitation to imagine and build a world where technology is wielded as a tool for democratic empowerment and collaborative diversity. We are at a pivotal moment where the actions we take can lead to a future of either centralized control or decentralized empowerment. This book champions the latter, a plurality, to ensure a future where democracy thrives in the digital age.

Where will the funds be utilized

Funds raised will be allocated towards compilation and publication costs to bring this pivotal work to fruition and to make it available in physical bookstores. History

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