Privaseal Protocol for Filecoin FVM Network
Problem Statement:
In the current era of decentralization, the rapidly growing landscape of digital contracts and agreements presents a critical challenge for businesses, entities, and app developers. As they navigate the global marketplace, it is imperative that they align with the legal frameworks of the countries in which they operate. Ensuring user compliance with terms and conditions, privacy policies, and other essential contractual elements is not only essential but also a legal requirement.
This imperative extends beyond traditional businesses and encompasses all parties engaging with blockchain technologies, including DeFi (Decentralized Finance) and NFT (Non-Fungible Token) ecosystems. The transparency and security of blockchain transactions bring unique opportunities and challenges, making it vital for all stakeholders to establish clear and legally sound agreements.
In this context, the need for a robust and efficient system for agreement management, acceptance, and tracking becomes increasingly apparent. Such a system must operate seamlessly across borders and within the evolving blockchain landscape to ensure compliance, transparency, and trust among all parties involved. The Privaseal project, with its innovative blockchain-based solution, aims to address these pressing challenges and revolutionize the way agreements are handled in this decentralized era.
The Privaseal project introduces a comprehensive token and agreement management (Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy, Agreements) system built on the blockchain. The system utilizes the power of blockchain technology to enhance transparency, security, and efficiency in the management and acceptance of agreements. Privaseal introduces its own ERC-20 compatible token, "Privaseal" (PRZ), and provides a flexible framework for creating, accepting, and tracking terms and agreements between parties.
About Privaseal:
Privaseal represents a groundbreaking protocol contract that spans multiple blockchain networks. Within this ecosystem, decentralized applications (dApps) and smart contract developers/organizations gain the ability to effortlessly generate terms and conditions. This process automatically generates a Filecoin FVM Network Attestation System (FAS) schema and seamlessly integrates it into the contract, assigning a unique identifier.
For dApps, the integration process becomes remarkably straightforward, necessitating the implementation of just a few essential functions. These functions enable dApps to prompt users for the acceptance or rejection of terms, and they can also include a check within their own smart contracts to ascertain whether a user has accepted specific terms.
Every user's action regarding acceptance, rejection, or revocation of terms is meticulously recorded on the blockchain and the FAS, establishing a transparent and immutable record of their interactions. Moreover, organizations have the option to bolster the security of their contracts by prohibiting access for users who have previously rejected the specified terms. This adds a crucial legal layer to their contracts, ensuring compliance with the legal frameworks of their respective countries.
From the user's perspective, Privaseal offers a user-friendly interface to monitor their accepted and rejected terms comprehensively. Users can initiate term revocations if they no longer utilize a particular application, and they even have the flexibility to set deadlines for automatic revocation, enhancing their control over their contractual engagements.
Additionally, Privaseal introduces escrow and token spending functionalities to further enhance the user experience and flexibility within the platform.
Key Features:
Private Terms:
- Utilizes Lighthouse access control features for encrypted data upload and sharing.
- Enables the creation of private terms for selective sharing, such as employee contracts and salary agreements.
Privaseal Token (PRZ):
- Introduction of the ERC-20 token "Privaseal" (PRZ) as a representation of agreement acceptance.
- Functions as a medium of exchange, allowing users to hold, transfer, and burn PRZ tokens based on their agreement status.
Agreement Creation and Management:
- Users can create agreements, define terms, and specify updateability and revocability.
- Terms are anchored to the Filecoin FVM Network for transparency and immutability.
Agreement Acceptance:
- Users can accept or reject agreements, with the status recorded on the Filecoin FVM Network.
- Utilizes the Filecoin FVM Network Attestation System (FAS) for verifiable records of agreement participation.
Agreement Revocation:
- For revocable agreements, users can initiate revocation, recorded on the Filecoin FVM Network.
- Transparent and auditable revocation process.
Integration with External Schemas:
- Seamless integration with external schemas to define the structure and format of agreement data.
- Enhances interoperability and supports the adoption of standardized agreement formats.
Attestation and Revocation:
- Leverages the Filecoin FVM Network Attestation System (FAS) for secure attestation and revocation.
- Provides mechanisms for validation and revocation when required.
Flexible Schema Resolution:
- Enables dynamic resolution of agreement schemas, ensuring validation of both current and historical terms.
Administrative Roles:
- Introduction of administrative roles (pauser and minter) for specific actions, ensuring control over system functions.
Upgradeability and Modularity:
- Contract architecture designed for upgradability, allowing potential future improvements while preserving data integrity.
Escrow and Token Spending:
- Introduces escrow functionality for secure handling of funds during agreements.
- Users can spend Privaseal tokens (PRZ) based on agreement terms and conditions, enhancing transactional flexibility.
- Utilizes blockchain for transparent and tamper-proof agreement data, acceptance, and revocation.
- Automated agreement acceptance reduces the need for manual validation, increasing overall efficiency.
- Secure storage on the Filecoin FVM Network minimizes the risks of data loss, manipulation, or unauthorized access.
- Users have dynamic control over their agreement status, allowing them to accept, reject, or revoke as needed.
- Integration with external schemas enhances interoperability with other systems and platforms.
- Blockchain-based system provides an auditable trail of agreement actions, ensuring compliance and accountability.
Privaseal aims to revolutionize the way agreements are managed and accepted, providing a robust and secure solution for individuals and businesses seeking a trustworthy platform for agreement participation. The project's flexibility, transparency, and efficiency make it a valuable tool for various industries and scenarios where agreements play a crucial role.
Privacy and Agreement Protocol -Privaseal History
accepted into Hackathon Alumni 10 months ago.