Project LION: Building Leo

$114.25 crowdfunded from 23 people

$615.68 received from matching pools

average score over 2 application evaluations
Project LION, a collaboration between talentDAO and LabDAO, is developing an open-source AI-powered Discord bot named Leo to enhance DAO community operations.

About Project LION is a joint DAO effort from talentDAO and LabDAO with the goal objective of democratizing AI tools for DAO community operations.

What is LION? L.I.O.N is an acronym for linguistic informatics for organizational networks.

Earlier this year, the focus was on extracting data from Discord and developing analytical pipelines to help assess community health which we released as a GitHub repository called lionOS [1]. Most recently, we’ve shifted focus towards the potential for GPT-4 to empower web3 builders with cutting edge community operations tools. We're currently testing a discord assistant we're calling Leo.

What is Leo? Leo is a discord bot [2] powered by GPT-4 that can absorb knowledge about your DAO. Leo can answer questions about your DAO, help onboard knew users, help you think through ideas, and write content for you. These are just some of what Leo is able to do today.

We intend to continue building more features into Leo over the next several months and onward. Specifically we’re interested in making Leo a customizable agent for your DAO able to execute a wide variety of tasks autonomously, helping DAOs stay true to their name.

The best part about Leo is that it's open source, anyone can contribute or fork Leo to customize it for their own DAO.

Grant funds will be used to reward those who make Leo better – bounties for meaningful open-source contributions to the project.

Here are some examples of features we'd like help building:

  • integration with lionOS / discord analytics reporting
  • integrations w/ external data sources like notion, discourse, charmverse, mirror, substack, etc.
  • integration with GPT4All-J for an open source model alternative
  • community notes bot
  • research agents
  • scheduling assistant
  • proposal writer
  • fine-tuning / training pipelines
  • way more!

This is how we build a truly democratized AI assistant for web3 communities. Join us.

Project Leads

  • Stanley Bishop - AI Systems Architect, labDAO, @sciencestanley
  • Kenneth Francis - Data Science Lead, talentDAO, @k3nnethfrancis


  1. lionOS repo:
  2. Leo repo:

Project LION: Building Leo History

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