Proof of Integrity

$340.86 crowdfunded from 178 people

$717.73 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
A program providing blockchain education to underprivileged Latin American communities, aiming for expansion across multiple countries to boost tech opportunities and empower individuals through in-person workshops and a supportive graduate network.

Bridging the Digital Divide: Blockchain Education for Latin America's Underprivileged Communities

Across Latin America, many underprivileged communities find themselves disconnected from the opportunities that emerging technologies like blockchain can offer. This gap in understanding doesn't just leave them behind; it represents a lost chance for growth, innovation, and empowerment in our ever-advancing digital world.

Proof of Integrity is committed to closing this gap through our #aPRENDOcripto program, focusing on blockchain education for those who need it most. With ambitious plans for expansion across El Salvador, Perú, Ecuador, Costa Rica, Uruguay, Honduras, Guatemala, Bolivia, Paraguay, Colombia, Panama, Venezuela, and República Dominicana, our mission is to make blockchain education accessible to a wider and more diverse audience across Latin America.

Our approach is hands-on and personal, with an in-person four-part workshop series that not only educates but inspires participants with decentralized technologies. We aim to do more than just teach; we strive to unlock potential and open doors.

But our vision doesn't end in the classroom, the journey continues with the #comunidadAPRENDO initiative. We're building a network of graduates who continue to learn, share, and grow together, ensuring that the spark ignited during our workshops turns into a lifelong pursuit of knowledge and opportunity.

Join us as we work to make technology accessible and exciting, bridging the digital divide and bringing blockchain education to the heart of Latin America's underprivileged communities.

Our Impact

Through our #aPRENDOcripto program, we have achieved:

  • 25 successful editions across various regions, reaching over 340 individuals who are now better equipped to understand the fundamentals of blockchain technology.
  • 20 editions across the Argentinian states of Buenos Aires, Chubut, Santiago del Estero, Tucumán, and, with a total of 190 graduates.
  • International reach, executing editions in Maldonado and Montevideo, Uruguay, with 41 graduates, and a significant edition in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, with 22 graduates.

We believe that our graduates will actively participate in the decentralized ecosystem and contribute to the growth of the crypto community.

#aPRENDOcripto Goals

Our program aims to achieve the following goals:

  • Introduce Blockchain Technology and the Crypto Ecosystem: We share real-world use cases of blockchain, like DeFi, Self-sovereign digital identity, NFTs, and more. We also explain fundamental concepts like decentralization, transparency, and immutability.

  • Facilitate Hands-on Engagement with Decentralized Technologies: Our program emphasizes practical learning, guiding participants through wallet setup, DAOs, token transfers, and using other Web3 applications. This hands-on approach helps attendees gain direct experience with these emerging technologies.

  • Equip Participants with Personal Finance Tools: We provide attendees with the necessary tools to manage their income effectively, such as budgeting, saving, and debt management. We also emphasize the importance of financial literacy and responsible money management to promote long-term financial stability.

Post-Graduate community: #comunidadAPRENDO

At the heart of Proof of Integrity's vision is #comunidadAPRENDO, an initiative that crystallizes our mission to foster empowerment and social inclusion. This initiative supports our graduates from the #aPRENDOcripto program, mapping their journey beyond education, and facilitating their smooth transition and active participation within the blockchain ecosystem.

Three Foundational Pillars:

  1. Community:

    • Engaging network of graduates with gamification, rewards, and recognition.
    • Weekly virtual sessions for connection and collaboration.
    • a web3 platform integrating gamification and POAPs for active participation (under development).
  2. Training:

    • Mainly represented by our Learn2Earn program #criptoIMPULSO.
    • Ongoing professional lectures in blockchain technology, digital literacy, and socio-emotional skills.
    • Offering free courses, financial incentives, and mentor support, utilizing Optimism as a Layer 2 solution.
  3. Employability:

    • Dedicated to augmenting opportunities in the tech and blockchain sector.
    • Steadfastly strengthening this pillar to improve job prospects for members.

Our Strategic Vision for Expansion

At Proof of Integrity, our forward-looking vision is grounded in ambitious yet strategic initiatives. We're dedicated to scaling the impact of our #aPRENDOcripto program across Latin America, guided by the following actionable plans:

  • Scaling Up #aPRENDOcripto Throughout Latin America: Building on established relationships with Ethereum communities in 12 countries, our expansion strategy targets key nations such as El Salvador, Peru, Ecuador, Costa Rica, Uruguay, Honduras, Guatemala, Bolivia, Paraguay, Colombia, Panama, Venezuela, and the Dominican Republic. This growth plan is tailored to vastly extend our educational outreach, bringing the power of blockchain learning to an expansive and culturally rich audience.

  • Strategically Orchestrating 38 Workshop Series in 2024: With a focus on inclusivity, we will launch two editions of our program in each of the aforementioned countries, alongside an intensified campaign of 10 editions within Argentina. This will ensure comprehensive coverage and heightened educational impact throughout the continent.

  • Surpassing the 600-Graduate Milestone in 2024: Our commitment to educational excellence is reflected in our goal to empower over 600 individuals from marginalized communities across Latin America to graduate in 2024. This initiative is not just about numbers—it's about fostering a generation equipped to navigate and innovate within the decentralized digital landscape.

By championing these efforts, our goal is to leave an indelible mark of social change, narrowing the technological divide and catalyzing community upliftment through targeted education and sustained mentorship. We invite you to be an integral part of our transformative journey as we cultivate a more inclusive, knowledgeable, and self-sustaining blockchain ecosystem throughout Latin America.

Join Our Mission

At Proof of Integrity, we believe that blockchain education can empower individuals and communities. We invite you to support our mission and help us bring the benefits of blockchain technology to underprivileged communities.

Proof of Integrity History

  • accepted into Web3 Community and Education 8 months ago. 178 people contributed $341 to the project, and $718 of match funding was provided.

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