Public Nouns Operations

$111.63 crowdfunded from 42 people

$740.18 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
Public Nouns is a DAO that funds public goods by selling NFTs, ensuring 100% of the treasury goes to public goods through a separate operational fund. Launched in September 2022, it's raised over 200 ETH.

Public Nouns ( exists to promote, fund, and proliferate aligned projects that focus on serving our public.

Inspired greatly by Nouns DAO and the mechanisms it’s pushed forward, Public Nouns is a project that leverages these awesome mechanisms to help fund Public Goods and experimentation thereof.

Borrowing from the Charity:Water model, Public Nouns has a goal to fund any operational expenses separate from the funds that go into the Public Nouns DAO treasury.

By supporting Public Nouns Operations, you help allow 100% of funds that go into the Public Nouns DAO treasury via sales of Public Nouns to be used towards Public Goods and experimentation thereof.

Public Nouns launched at the end of September 2022, and has raised over 200 ETH in its sales of Public Nouns.



Funding Operations

The Public Nouns Operations will be funded out of pNounders.eth multisig.

Funding into pNounders.eth would planned to be used for things like:

  • Kickstarting some early experimentation
  • Bots set-up
  • Starting iteration on governance and research (interested in exploring things like RageQuit into Public Nouns)
  • Proliferating the Public Noun meme from the start, for Public Goods sake of course
  • Retroactive to contributors
  • Hosting and ongoing maintenance
  • Ensure Public Nouns is well supported to start


There are varying degrees of success when it comes to deploying a new project. While success could be as minimal as being net positive $1 in favor of Public Goods versus what it cost to launch, we’re setting our sights much higher. We’re setting out to gamify the funding of Public Goods using the proven flywheel mechanism of Nouns, and then iterate beyond on creative ways to continue funding Public Goods. Success would be Public Nouns becoming a formidable addition to the Public Goods-funding ecosystem.

Public Nouns Details

Quick examples of public good attributes added to the mix

PG Nounders “pNounders”

PG Nounders “pNounders” “pounding the pavement for public goods” Founders of Public Nouns. This small starting group of aligned public goods communities kickstarted and deployed the initiative:

  • Moloch (attr: Demon)
  • MetaCartel (attr: Chili)
  • Gitcoin (attr: Bot/Green Pill)
  • Panvala (attr: stampee)
  • Radicle (attr: seedling)
  • CLR.FUND (attr: Bubbles)
  • Optimism (attr: OPossum)

Public Nouns Operations History

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