Realtime Climate Data Market (RealClime)

$173.22 crowdfunded from 122 people

$1,124.42 received from matching pools

average score over 3 application evaluations
Developing a Streaming Data Asset for the Ocean Protocol marketplace to enable real-time data access and subscriptions, enhancing the platform's asset types for global data sharing.

In order to foster easy access to climate data this project will build a Streaming Data Asset (SDA), an extension to the Ocean Protocol data marketplace. Currently the Ocean Market lists two asset types: static datasets and algorithmic code. Our intention is to contribute an additional asset type that is built to handle realtime data and offers time-based subscriptions.

This will make realtime feeds that are scattered around the globe available and searchable within the UI of the Ocean Market. Data publishers can list their offerings and configure access requirements with time-based access.

The SDA will:

  • Harbor the URI of a realtime feed and provide it at procurement (free or paid).
  • Display links to Sample Data and/or API documentation for the feed.
  • Proffer subscription options of various durations with corresponding costs.
  • Enable web3-based access to token-gated and/or paid feeds.

In keeping with the Ocean Protocol open source development, the SDA will be released under the MIT license.

Realtime Climate Data Market (RealClime) History

  • applied to the Climate Round 1 year ago which was rejected
  • accepted into Climate Solutions Round 10 months ago. 112 people contributed $145 to the project, and $815 of match funding was provided.
  • accepted into Climate Solutions 1 year ago. 10 people contributed $28 to the project, and $309 of match funding was provided.

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