ReFi DAO - Pioneering Hypercerts in Regenerative Finance
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ReFi DAO pilots hypercerts for retroactive impact funding, integrates them with Karma GAP for organized impact claims, and researches their use in validating ecological benefits through the EBF Web-of-Trust.

ReFi DAO is undertaking three distinct projects to leverage hypercerts in innovative ways, each targeting different aspects of our operations and partnerships. These projects enhance our impact verification processes and expand the functionality and applicability of hypercerts within and beyond our network. This application outlines our efforts in scaling retroactive funding, integrating hypercerts with partner platforms, and exploring new use-cases for ecological impact claims.

Project 1: ReFi DAO Impact Tracking + Retroactive Funding with Hypercerts

  • What: ReFi DAO has started building for a retroactive funding round for the ReFi DAO Local Node Network through hypercerts. This is a pilot use-case for hypercerts as the primary mechanism behind running a retroactive funding round to reward impact across a globally distributed but digitally connected network of local communities.
  • Progress to date: Developed the ReFi Local Nodes Hypercert Minting Guide and supported our Nodes in minting their first hypercerts according to the unique schema we have developed.
  • Next Steps: Set up an evaluation framework and launch a pilot funding round to retroactively reward the highest quality impact claims.
  • Learn more about ReFi DAO Local Nodes

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Project 2: Partnership with Karma GAP

  • What: ReFi DAO has partnered with Karma GAP - the Grantee Accountability Protocol - to be a pilot use-case in the implementation of hypercerts natively into their platform. This includes the ability for a project to view its associated hypercerts in Karma’s Impact dashboard - enabling distributed impact claims into one organised place for anyone to see. We are also exploring further ideas such as each Karma milestone being a hypercert and thus providing new functionality for prospective and retroactive funding, as well as an ability for shared milestones across partnered projects.
  • Progress to date: Kickstarted development by aligning stakeholders and scoping out the initial ideas.
  • Next Steps: Karma GAP team to complete development of the integration and pilot ReFi DAO as the first practical use-case for the new functionality.

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Project 3: ReFi EBF x Hypercerts

  • What: ReFi EBF is a partnership between ReFi DAO & The Lexicon to infuse the Ecological Benefits Framework (EBF) into the heart of the ReFi & Web3 ecosystem. Innovations such as Hypercerts and Ethereum Attestations show promise to transform how ecological benefits are measured, verified, and valued. As part of ReFi EBF, in partnership with the EBF Web-of-Trust hackathon project, ReFi DAO is initiating a research project —> "Activating an EBF Web-of-Trust: Leveraging Web3 Innovations for Ecological Impact". This research aims to explore how the Ecological Benefits Framework (EBF) can be integrated with Web3 technologies to form a trust-based, decentralized network that validates ecological impacts.
  • Progress to date: Connected key stakeholders and initiated a research project for how Hypercerts and Ethereum Attestations can integrate with the Ecological Benefits Framework (EBF).
  • Next Steps: Complete research phase and support stakeholders in developing initial projects.
  • Learn More about ReFi EBF

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A Regenerative Future with Hypercerts ✨

Through these projects, ReFi DAO aims to substantiate the utility of hypercerts in enhancing funding mechanisms, impact verification, and ecological benefits validation. Funding for this initiative will help us to pioneer new ways of using blockchain technologies to support ecological and social regeneration, demonstrating substantial progress and providing measurable outcomes aligned with the goals of the Hypercerts Ecosystem Round.

ReFi DAO - Pioneering Hypercerts in Regenerative Finance History

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