ReFi Lagos

$373.04 crowdfunded from 137 people

$794.05 received from matching pools

average score over 3 application evaluations
Empowering Nigerian farmers through a Web3-based platform for climate education and sustainable farming, integrating indigenous knowledge with new techniques, offering virtual workshops, peer collaboration, and incentivizing participation with blockchain rewards.

Our project aims to revolutionize climate education and sustainable farming practices within rural farm communities in Nigeria, by harnessing the power of Web3 technology. As these communities face increasing challenges posed by climate change, we recognize the pressing need to empower local farmers with knowledge, tools, and resources to adapt and thrive in a changing environment.

Through strategic collaboration and Web3 events, we will create a dynamic ecosystem that connects indigenous knowledge with cutting-edge climate science, fostering a resilient and informed farming community. Key components of our initiative and impacts include:

Localized Learning: Our platform will offer context-specific content, integrating indigenous knowledge and traditional practices with the latest advancements in climate science, tailored to the unique challenges faced by smallholder farmers in Nigeria.

Interactive Workshops: Virtual workshops and simulations will provide farmers with hands-on experience in implementing sustainable farming techniques, encouraging experimentation and innovation.

Peer Collaboration: Decentralized discussion forums will facilitate collaboration among farmers, enabling the sharing of experiences, best practices, and local insights.

Blockchain-Backed Rewards: Farmers actively engaged in learning and implementing sustainable practices will be rewarded with blockchain-based tokens, incentivizing active participation and knowledge sharing.

By merging Web3 technology with climate education, our project envisions a future where rural farm communities in Lagos achieve climate resilience, food security, and economic prosperity. By empowering local farmers with knowledge and tools, we aspire to create a sustainable and vibrant agricultural sector that not only adapts to climate change but also leads the way in sustainable practices for the region.

ReFi Lagos History

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