$18.45 crowdfunded from 22 people
$1,833.57 received from matching pools
I am a regen solving problems via web3 with my engineering, finance, and farming background.
Current Work:
Rebioca - BSF-based organic waste management.
Earthist Network
GreenPill TR
ReFi İstanbul
Celo Ambassador
What are your contributions to EarthistDAO in the past 6 months?
Rebioca aims to design the products of the future by recycling organic wastes with low carbon emissions, water use, and energy use. Rebioca is helping our planet with the organic waste process as we have been working with “nature’s gift” black soldier flies. We process organic waste in a much green way and produce protein-rich end products such as fertilizer, BSF oil, and many more while reducing x0.4 carbon emissions per tonne compared to traditional methodologies. Effective management of organic waste presents several environmental and economic benefits. Additionally, converting organic waste into compost or biogas can provide renewable energy, enrich soil fertility, and reduce the need for synthetic fertilizers. We are in a testing phase with EarthistDAO with the industrial hemp waste to create a circular economy between ReFi applications.
Rebioca will launch its web3 application in 2024 Q1, which allows users to contribute to organic waste management and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Read our methodology and learn how we reduce carbon emissions: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JHouNbDbK5pUlJ6uu5wKIJXcmVju0AnRUnNLQj5EA-U/edit?usp=sharing
Try our web3 app built on Celo: https://app.rebioca.com/
What are my future plans of contribution?
After the testing phases and validated results, we aim to scale the solution to local farming areas which EarthistDAO has an organic connection with. We will continue to explore opportunities that include organic waste management, resulting in providing organic fertilizer and protein-rich animal feed, such as prototyping a mobile BSF organic waste trailer that can travel around different locations with limited capacity.
Rebioca's organic fertilizers are in the test phase with small-scale farmers with a selection of plants.
Rebioca's protein alternatives are in the test phase with a hencoop(poultry) of 10.
Rebioca has been partnered with EarthistDAO with the testing of hemp waste processing.
We have completed our small-scale facility planning, and we are looking forward to buying the first required machinery to start small-scale organic waste processing.
Please visit: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1GcL8xLtV8xSrIMNfVEag-ZW8kKpXeGbY/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=101411884195847863321&rtpof=true&sd=true
regenesturk 🌍 🪰♻️rebioca History
accepted into EarthistDAO Citizens Round 1 year ago. 22 people contributed $18 to the project, and $1,834 of match funding was provided.