Register MAXi
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A decentralized platform for registering projects, documents, certifications, contracts, and inventions on the blockchain, ensuring global legal validity, security, and quick processing of intellectual property protections.

The Register MAXi Platform is a decentralized solution for registering projects, documents, certifications, contracts and inventions on Blockchain.

A new way to register and prove the authenticity of digital files, and prove the priority of inventions or design copyright.

The content is not stored on the platform, only the encrypted metadata necessary to verify the authenticity of the digital file. The platform will only recognize the original file. The transaction hash is stored on the Blockchain, auditable, and you can verify the transaction whenever necessary.

Blockchain records are legally valid, according to the Copyright Association, and have the same validity as traditional registration processes.

Registrations are valid in 175 countries, including Brazil and all other signatories to the Berne Convention.

The process is quick and easy. It takes on average 5 minutes - in comparison, traditional processes can take up to 6 months.

Registered creations, inventions, documentation, and innovations can yield substantial monetary value, whether through lucrative licensing agreements, the sale of intellectual property assets, or leveraging them as valuable assets for business expansion and financing.


Registration creates a definitive record of your creative works and innovations, elevating your credibility and visibility within your industry and among prospective collaborators.


Having your innovations officially registered provides a distinct competitive advantage in the market, enhancing the appeal of your product or process to investors, partners, and potential buyers.


Certificates of Anteriority serve as crucial legal documentation for patent filing, effectively mitigating potential litigations and safeguarding your innovations by preemptively thwarting any attempts by others to assert claims over them.

History MAXi Science launched on 12/12/23 at the American Chamber of Commerce for Brazil (AMCHAM Brasil) at an event at the Business Center.

More about Register MAXi: The Vanguard in the Protection and Registration of Intellectual Property, inventions, projects and contracts in a decentralized manner.

In the constantly evolving world of the digital era, where innovation is the currency and the protection of intellectual property is crucial, Register Maxi appears - the definitive solution for recording documents, certifications, projects, inventions, contracts and much more. In a scenario where technologies advance by leaps and bounds, Register Maxi stands out as an indispensable tool, boosting security, reliability and authenticity in each process.

At the core of Register Maxi is the Blockchain Registry, a promising tool that redefines security and authenticity standards. By adopting a decentralized system and an immutable information recording infrastructure, Register Maxi guarantees not only the protection of your intellectual assets, but also an unalterable track of your creative development.

The process offered by Register Maxi is both simple and effective. With a single click, your documents are immortalized on the blockchain, ensuring instant and comprehensive protection. And for added convenience, we offer bilingual certificates, recognized by the Berne Convention in 175 countries. Whether you are creating in São Paulo, Paris or Tokyo, your intellectual property is safe and validated on a global scale.

Protecting your intellectual property has never been easier. With Register Maxi, you can focus your energy on creation, knowing that your innovation is properly protected. Furthermore, by ensuring comprehensive legal documentation at every stage of your inventive and creative process, you not only gain recognition for your innovation, but also establish a competitive advantage in the market.

In a world where creativity is the engine of progress, it is essential to safeguard the ideas that drive this evolution. With Register Maxi, you can ensure your ideas remain yours, today and for future generations. Effortlessly protect your intellectual property and pave the path to success with Register Maxi.

About MAXi Science:

MAXi Science is committed to bringing innovative solutions to society, driving decentralized science (deSci) and progress through the application of cutting-edge enabling technologies. With a focus on blockchain, artificial intelligence and cloud solutions, the company constantly seeks to create positive impact and transform the business, scientific and social sectors.

MAXi Science also plays an active role in the decentralized science community. Recognizing the transformative potential of this global movement, the company supports and collaborates with initiatives that promote the decentralization of scientific knowledge and the democratization of innovation. By acting as a network and in the community, MAXi Science contributes to the advancement of science in an inclusive and collaborative way, enabling individuals and organizations to reach new levels of excellence and impact.

Register MAXi History

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