$54.99 crowdfunded from 7 people

$840.74 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
Promoting ecological restoration and conservation across 40 hectares in four countries, regrò integrates permaculture, local knowledge, and technology to reintroduce native species and protect ecosystems since 2019.

The regrò project operates in four countries through the commitment and work of Simon, Serena, Marko and Lissette.

Since 2019 we research, share and apply principles from Permaculture, Native&Local Knowledge, Conservation Agriculture, Regenerative Agriculture and Assisted Natural Regeneration.

Collaborating with Open Forest Protocol we augmented our proficiency with the VCM, understanding our efforts' value in reforestation and conservation of the several ecosystems we take care of.

In 2023 we are stewards of more than 40 hectares on which we are re-introducing native species, enhancing water retention, arresting soil erosion and protecting wildlife from hunting, wildfires and exploitation.

Contributing to regrò, you could facilitate our next projects:

Simon: re-introduce indigenous trees Serena: protect ancient food forest systems in the Alps Marko: preserve native trees and herbs, augment their presence Lissette: regenerate and grow food in Chile

Featured: 2023/2024 - more art regrò A group of artists at heart, we are envisioning ways to express our deep connections to the Land through physical + digital artworks made on each of the four plots we steward in Kenya, Italy, Croatia and Chile.

regrò History

  • accepted into Climate Solutions 1 year ago. 7 people contributed $55 to the project, and $841 of match funding was provided.

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