
$246.04 crowdfunded from 30 people

$9,352.58 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
AgroforestDAO utilizes NFTs and web3 to promote community-driven, sustainable agriculture, connecting urban consumers with land stewards for long-term wealth and food forest investment.

Welcome changemakers!

We at AgroforestDAO are leveraging web3 tools to support intergenerational and community-owned food, forest and culture.

The agricultural problem

Modern market-oriented agriculture is destroying ancient community farming, driving new generations away from the land and keeping urban people alien from seasonality and the origins of their food. Right now the land stewards have to solo invest their money, energy and knowledge on every step of production and distribution, hoping to get a pay-out from the product sales and with no perspective for retirement. Consumers on the other hand don’t have any incentives to engage in the pre-sale phase or in long term contracts.

In resume: the many agents of the agrifood sector are not immersed in a coordinated narrative for building long term common wealth.

How we want to approach this problem

We understand that the we must build a community-oriented agriculture that incentivizes long term commons. Commons for us means education, training , knowledge building, experiences, rituals, exchanges, shared investments, seeds, products and royalties.

We are building a NFT based digital ecosystem where anyone can join quests and get rewards for engagement while building reputation within a global community. Our goal is to allow web3 users to access land in novel ways and build wealth in a win-win partnership with local stewards and Nature. The many values produced by Food Forests will last for decades, and there is a flywheel of natural goods inheritance that modern society has disconnected from but that we can recreate now thanks to the transparency and immutability of blockchain.

What could this novel land access look like? For example, parents could invest in a pool of food forests units when their child is born and enjoy its benefits as the child grows. By the time the child becomes a teenager she is still enjoying all the many returns that her parent’s engagement provided. If she decides then to also invest in a new pool it is even more wealth compounding on top of the previous one. Over time agroforests become more productive and less input intensive, and a little support in the beginning adds up to considerable return on investment. Transparent and rooted coordination will allow for a variety of joint ventures that before had to be planned and executed by the land steward alone. Investors will be able to pool together funds to establish the systems and in return share royalties from sales in an online marketplace. Decentralized and sovereign supply chains will develop more easily within a common narrative and a trusted reputation system.


Since the last round we were able to:

  • Celebrate with the web3 community during Ethereum Rio in March. We prepared a traditional dinner with ingredients produced by aligned producers who were there and met face to face with other dreamers of new supply chains. Check it out: Feijoada SAFA:

-Start a pilot of decentralized land stewardship where we created a NFT collection to fund the costs of establishing, caring, harvesting and distributing the cultivation. Each NFT holder owns a share of the Autumn's harvest, and have a discount to join the Spring's agroforest planting. Besides that they are also granted access to a media channel with the local stewards and can schedule visits and stays on the land. Check it out here: Feijão Amigo

-Interact and co-create with other founders and DAOs in the ReFi space, such as Silvi, EcoLabs, Ekonavi, Bloom Network, Return to Green, Knot Game Studios and many others

  • Start building a metaverse immersion on Spatial with the goal of educating people about Web3, ReFi and agroforestry, please check this 50 second video here:

The resources donated via the Gitcoin Rounds will be used to:

-Develop surveys for qualitative data that will be used as initial basis of our incentive's system and keep our website updated

-To continue the decentralized stewardship NFT pilot, and possibly start others

-To visit and onboard new agroforestry stewards to AgroforestDAO,

-Improve in branding and marketing

-To continue working on our metaverse

We appreciate you reading this far, and if you want to collaborate please reach out on Twitter ( or Telegram (

Thank you so much Gitcoin and Web3 community, it is an honor to be in this with you!

AgroforestDAO History

  • accepted into Climate Solutions 1 year ago. 30 people contributed $246 to the project, and $9,353 of match funding was provided.

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