$126.37 crowdfunded from 35 people
$157.90 received from matching pools
##RemittDAO RemittDAO Discord |RemittDAO Twitter
What is RemittDAO?}
RemittDAO is onboarding & providing support for migrant workers & refugees who have been ignored by banks and/or don't have valid identification. We teach them how to use non custodial wallets for collecting donations/remittance payments to family overseas.
Why do we need RemittDAO?
+170 million migrant workers worldwide regularly send remittance payments to their families in developing countries as a lifeline for survival. This makes up the majority of international payments. Most migrant workers have been dismissed by banks, so they are forced to use archaic brick & mortar remittance providers that charge higher fees, have longer wait times, corrupt, and demand user's personal information.
UNHCR announced that over 100 million people are asylum seekers. Among these people are over 32.5 million refugees. Refugees/asylum seekers are often lacking valid identification, so they're unable to get a bank account. Also, they're often not allowed to work and are forced to wait for centralised non profits to provide solutions.
What does RemittDAO do?
RemittDAO hosts workshops and tutorials teaching unbanked/undocumented people how to participate in global finance. We do this by on-ramping them into noncustodial crypto wallets for remittance purposes. This is done, mostly, in real life. We prioritize safety measures and provide an online support network for them to access. A recent example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OdV5CLAv-ho
We're developing a reputation system & escrow.
How did RemittDAO get started?
RemittDAO got its start in Hong Kong, where migrant workers from developing countries are highly concentrated. Craig is the founder of RemittDAO and is an unstoppable force. He is a licensed teacher in America and has been teaching ESL for 10 years. Craig is currently working full time at ConsenSys Software.
Craig spent 7+ years working alongside migrant communities in Hong Kong. In 2020, Covid lockdowns locked him out of his Chinese bank account, which fueled his passion for financial inclusion & freedom for those who are unable to get a bank account.
Why donate to RemittDAO?
The grant money will be used for:
Creating a core team: RemittDAO has only 2 core members. We need to find dedicated people who feel passionately about our mission and are able to contribute. Then, create a media team comprised of writers, photographers/videographers, and people to develop content. I will create a bounty board.
We need to talk to a lawyer about creating a "Donor advised fund" instead of registering for non profit status or LLC.
Paying for web hosting space for https://remittdao.io/
We need help developing a reputation system & escrow.
Read our WIP manifesto: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MixoXxfAVYG2_rAjahJoqFWvvIl3P4e2NIaT2n3ALjo/edit
RemittDAO Inclusionary Outreach History
accepted into Glo Dollar x Arbitrum DAO 1 year ago.
accepted into Web3 Community and Education 1 year ago. 31 people contributed $118 to the project, and $147 of match funding was provided.
accepted into Web3 Community and Education 1 year ago. 4 people contributed $8 to the project, and $11 of match funding was provided.