
$500.53 crowdfunded from 58 people

$6,945.44 received from matching pools

average score over 2 application evaluations
Replicare is a Web3 platform enabling crowdsourced assessments and enhancements of empirical research reproducibility via a systematic database and reproducibility scoring system.



Replicare is a decentralized platform to assess and improve the computational reproducibility of published empirical research.

Why do we need more indpendent replications?

There is a replication crisis in empirical research. A large-scale replication project called the Reproducibility Project: Psychology attempted to replicate 100 published studies in psychology and found that only 36% of the studies could be replicated with statistical significance. There is a need for more independent replication to ensure the credibility of research claims.

What kind of features are there at Replicare?

  • Crowdsourcing Anyone with a Web3 wallet can submit reproduction attempts for a research claim.
  • Cataloguing Researchers can now systematically explore all prior attempts at reproducing a research claim using our database.
  • Assessing Describe and assign a reproducibility score to a research claim.
  • Improving Analyze, troubleshoot and develop existing reproduction packages for a research claim.

Budget Plan

All the funds raised will be allocated towards covering the development costs of the project. These costs primarily comprise salaries for the development team and fees for the development tools.


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Replicare History

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