ReRWA Marketplace on ARB
average score over 2 application evaluations
Developing a DApp for a Regenerative Real World Asset Marketplace and Launchpad, aiming to support regenerative finance and climate tech projects through tools, investor aggregation, and tokenization.

ReFi Starter is working on the Regenerative Real World Asset Marketplace and Launchpad, both under development. We appreciate your support to continue building and launching our DApp soon, in order to serve the regen ecosystem, giving tools, technologies, deal-flow, aggregate investors, issuers, LP pools. Our mission is to have a platform to launch the most solid projects related to Regenerative Finance, Climate Tech, DePiN, DeSci, SocFi, and any other top project.

Dashboard Dashboard_ReFi_Starter_demo_1.png

Our Focus Our-Focus-Re-Fi-Starter.png

ReRwa Marketplace banner_refi_gitcoin_arb_oct_24.png

Team Team_pic_refi_oct_2024.png

We are welcoming new team members, advisors, builders, marking experts, Investors, Tokenomics experts, AI developers. Please reach our to if you feel like a good fit.

Smart Contracts on ARB-Sepolia smart-contract-ARB-testnety.png

High-level Screening Process Flow-chart-high-level-re-rwa.png

Let's Grow RS-Re-Fi-Butterfly-Starter.png

Thanks to your support we will continue the work in Progress on the next features/products:

  • Continue working on our Dashboard.
  • Connecting to API to climate tech, investors, databases of highly vetted projects
  • ReRWA Tokenization Flowchart for Smart Contracts
  • RWA Launchpad Flowchart and Smart Contracts (subject to license)
  • Token Minter For Fungible and non-fungible Tokens, RWA.
  • Voting mechanisms through smart contracts
  • Market creation (token pairing) Smart Contracts
  • Escrow Wallet (subject to funding)
  • Claim/Vesting Smart Contracts
  • UIUX re-vamping
  • Grow our IDO Community

🧩Building with 🫶🏽for the 🌍

Registration-form-project-screenshot-refi-starter.png Don't forget to register your project, and your persona: 👇🏽

ReRWA Marketplace on ARB History

Explore projects

Digital platform for community-based network state with decentralized social feed, asset tokenization, DAO-managed real estate, and mesh internet connectivity.
Supporting environment and communities in the Thai Gulf through greenhouse gas reduction, environmental education, tree mapping, and bio waste management with a focus on sustainability.
A decentralized platform aiming to innovate in health and economic services by introducing a self-regenerative monetary system, leveraging web 3.0 for secure health records, catering to a Latin American community.
AndiLending, born in Rio, offers a crypto-based lending platform promoting financial inclusion using ZKSync for privacy, targeting individuals and lenders seeking accessible microcredit solutions.