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Toolkit for global organizers to foster regenerative, circular economies and build lasting local wealth with a comprehensive resource library.
OpenCivics x ReFi Local Nodes: Organizers the world over are eager to build networks and communities that prioritize regenerative practices, re-circularize supply chains, and build local wealth to last...this toolkit will provide a place to start and a library of resources for those working on the ground.
Rooted: A Toolkit for Organizing Locally with Web3 History
applied to the OpenCivics Consortium Round 02 11 months ago which was rejected
Explore projects
Creating a metaverse platform for DAOs and digital nomads, offering customizable spaces for organizations and a public area for social interaction and information exchange.
An investment platform offering self-custodial, transparent, smart contract-based DeFi strategies developed by professional quants, outperforming traditional and buy-and-hold trading methods.
Implementing robust sustainability initiatives focusing on environmental improvement, regenerative agriculture, tree planting, and educational workshops for community and biodiversity enhancement in Kenya.
Creating the first Swahili web3 encyclopedia to empower over 200 million speakers with digital economy access through education, language translation, community collaboration, and decentralized technology.
The Anthropogenic Impact Accounting Ontology (AIAO) describes human environmental impacts, enabling aggregation and comparison across different standards. It provides a foundational tool for consistent climate impact accounting.