
$796.30 crowdfunded from 503 people

$192.68 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
Developed SafeTransfe, a foolproof ERC-20 token transfer system to prevent losses from misaddressed transactions. Award-winning at ETHNYC 2022 with DeFi founders' approval.

Cryptocurrency addresses can be challenging to manage. Common mistakes, such as sending tokens to incorrect addresses or contracts, have resulted in over $0.5 billion in unrecoverable losses.

To tackle this issue, we created SafeTransfe, a foolproof system utilizing the ERC-20 standard. Users can securely request and send tokens by logging into their wallets and employing the approve/transferFrom method, ensuring no tokens are lost without relying on any third-party smart contracts.

SafeTransfe was a Gnosis prizewinner of the ETHNYC 2022 hackathon and has received approval from numerous renowned DeFi founders.

SafeTransfer History

  • accepted into Web3 Open Source Software 1 year ago. 503 people contributed $796 to the project, and $193 of match funding was provided.

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