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Creating a hub for authenticated decentralized finance (DeFi) applications, enhancing security by vetting domain addresses across networks to prevent wallet connections to scam sites.

We love decentralized exchanges. Buying, selling, borrowing, lending, leveraged trading... It's exciting! But there's a problem: There are dozens of networks out there and hundreds of decentralized exchanges available for all of them. We check many things to reach and verify the correct and real domain address of a defi application. Sometimes even the official X account gets hacked.

What if there was a hub for that? A single hub for all authenticated defi applications on all networks! Wouldn't it be perfect? By making sure you do not connect your wallet to scam sites; Wouldn't you like to access Defi applications safely and easily? That's what SecDex is for. We will search all domain addresses for you and integrate them into the site. Thanks to this tool, you will only connect your wallet to the secure address we direct you to.

We expect you to support us in creating such a comprehensive and broad site.

SecDex History

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