SISU Web3 Education Hub Focusing on Inclusion

$729.83 crowdfunded from 9 people

$1,047.58 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
Developing an inclusive, educational crypto/web3 platform for LATAM and BIPOC communities focusing on zero-jargon content, leveraging influencers, and promoting sustainable tech adoption through interactive learning and community engagement.

We are committed to building a platform that is open, transparent, and educational, where the LATAM and BIPOC communities can learn, share ideas, and collaborate about crypto and web3 in their own language. As we promote a positive and inclusive narrative around web3, we aim to create a vibrant ecosystem that fosters innovation, creativity, and real-world impact for our community.

We need to speak the language of our LATAM/BIPOC community and make web3 accessible to them. With engaging media and accessible branding, SISU will break the barriers walling off web3 and open the way to widespread adoption to communities that are yet to enter it.

Our Theory Of Change

By leveraging influencers and social apps that are already popular amongst our target audience, we will bridge the gap and engage in meaningful conversations about the potential of web3 to create a positive impact. Our goal is to foster inclusivity and provide accurate information about web3 that empowers our community to participate in this technology in a safe and informed manner.

We are committed to zero lingo, zero fluff, and simplifying all the nuances of this technology and potential as if we were speaking to a 12-year-old!

Here are some potential milestones for achieving the goals of connecting with influencers in traditional social apps, creating safe and vibrant spaces for the LATAM and BIPOC communities, and promoting a positive narrative around web3 within a 9-month timeframe:

  1. Identify and engage with relevant influencers: Within the first month, conduct research to identify influencers on platforms like TikTok and Instagram who have a strong following among the LATAM and BIPOC communities. A lot of them are already our friends :P Initiate conversations and establish partnerships with these influencers to promote web3 technologies in an authentic and meaningful way. Why? because the creator community care about climate, identity, ownership, and monetization! These are all entry points to chat with them.

  2. Develop educational content: Within the first two months, create informative and engaging content that is tailored to the language and interests of our target community. This could include videos, infographics, blog posts, and other forms of content that explain the concepts and potential of web3 in a clear and accessible manner. They obviously will be vibrant and beautiful :)

  3. Host webinars and workshops: Within the first three months, organize webinars and workshops in collaboration with influencers to provide interactive and educational opportunities for the community to learn about web3. Topics could include NFTs, blockchain 101, decentralized finance (DeFi), and other relevant aspects of web3. We want our community to feel fluent about this.

  4. Create a safe online community: Within the first four months, establish an online community or platform that serves as a safe space for the LATAM and BIPOC communities to discuss and engage with web3. Implement moderation and community guidelines to ensure respectful and inclusive interactions among community members.

  5. Foster engagement and participation: Within the first six months, actively engage with the community by hosting regular events and our quarterly ANCIENT FUTURE events, Q&A sessions, and discussions related to web3. Encourage community members to share their ideas, projects, and perspectives on web3 to promote a sense of ownership and participation.

  6. Measure impact and feedback: Continuously measure the impact of educational initiatives, community engagement, and influencer partnerships. Collect feedback from the community to understand their needs, preferences, and suggestions for improvement. Use this feedback to refine and optimize the strategies and initiatives accordingly.

  7. Evaluate partnerships and outcomes: Within the last month, evaluate the effectiveness of the partnerships with influencers and the overall outcomes of the educational initiatives and community engagement efforts. Assess the level of awareness, engagement, and adoption of web3 technologies within the target community and identify areas for further improvement.

Success metrics for the goals outlined for this project:

  1. Influencer engagement: Measure the number of influencers successfully engaged, the reach of their content, and the level of authenticity and relevance in their promotion of web3 technologies. Success could be measured by the number of collaborations, engagement rates, and positive feedback from influencers and their followers.

  2. Educational content impact: Track the engagement, views, shares, and feedback on the educational content created, such as videos, infographics, and blog posts. Success could be measured by the level of understanding and positive feedback from the community, as well as increased knowledge and awareness about web3 technologies.

  3. Community growth and engagement: Measure the growth of the online community or platform established for the LATAM and BIPOC communities, including the number of members, active participants, and quality of discussions. Success could be measured by the level of engagement, participation, and sense of community ownership demonstrated by the members.

4, Event attendance and feedback: Measure the attendance, feedback, and level of interaction in webinars, workshops, and other events organized for the community. Success could be measured by the number of participants, level of satisfaction, and feedback on the relevance, usefulness, and impact of the events.

  1. Feedback and testimonials: Collect feedback and testimonials from community members, influencers, and other stakeholders to assess the impact of the initiatives on their understanding, engagement, and perception of web3 technologies. Success could be measured by the positive feedback received, testimonials, and testimonials that demonstrate the value and impact of the initiatives.

  2. Adoption and participation: Track the adoption and participation of community members in web3 technologies, such as NFTs, blockchain projects, and DeFi applications. Success could be measured by the number of community members who actively participate in web3 projects, create their own projects, or become advocates for web3 technologies.

6.Partnerships and collaborations: Evaluate the success of partnerships and collaborations with influencers and other stakeholders in promoting web3 technologies to the LATAM and BIPOC communities. Success could be measured by the level of collaboration, authenticity, and impact of partnerships in driving positive engagement and adoption of web3 technologies.

Our Traction So Far -What have been up to since 2021?

SISU’s Timeline

Here is a little timeline for those that are new so you see the evolution of the project:


⁃ October 2021 - Nearcon, Portugal presented the intention of evolving my NFTree idea into an earth restoration DAO, called SISU ⁃ November 2021 - NYT.NYC, New York - Presented SISU, because nature is non fungible chat at the palladium theater in Time Square ⁃ Our NFT genesis is trading on OpenSea 50% goes to earth - agroforestry, coral restoration and indigenous resilience. This is mostly direct for patrons of the earth from the Ethereum community. ⁃ December 2021 - We had an event during Art Basel : Art Miami Art Week in partnership with a former gas station turned into botanical garden to present SISU in an embodied experimental way. This was made possible by the NEAR foundation. Here we connected with 2500 new SISU members. ⁃ Angela Del Sol presented the thesis of web3 for earth restoration at The Buckminster Fuller Institute/ Habritual -Design Science Studio fellowship showcased during Art Basel Miami 2021 ⁃ Angela Del Sol was acknowledged as a pioneer in the NFT movement

2022 Feb 2022 Ancient Future Event Series Launch in Mexico City Art Week

March- Sept 2022 Through the sale of our NFTs we were able to get started the Ancestral Honey Bee Project in Colombia to support the Arhuaco Indigenous Community to rescue this method of honey production. The funds helps us build a community / production hub and solar panels

June 2022 - Presented at NFT NYC an iteration of SISU with the adoption of Carbon Credits with indigenous communities

Received an award from Blockchain for Good scholarship to continue building and come up with with a business plan

September 2022 - Ancient Future Event at Cop27 in Egypt to connect world leaders with Indigenous Communities

December 2022 - Ancient Future Billboard Show Miami Art Basel


Launch of Ancient Future Labs a space to explore interdisciplinary ideas such as ethics and tech, bio-design and ancient wisdom, and most importantly, an intentional art experience that aims to uplift and elevate the human spirit. This is an effort to creatively connect with the community curious about tech

Thanks for supporting us and continuing to do what we love the most! Connecting, educating and supporting our Earth's precious ecosystems and people behind them!

Lead Steward

SISU Web3 Education Hub Focusing on Inclusion History

  • accepted into Web3 Community and Education 1 year ago. 9 people contributed $730 to the project, and $1,048 of match funding was provided.

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