We are building a crypto payments solution called Slash Payment.
Slash Payment (https://www.slash.fi/) is a decentralized and non-custodial payment gateway that enables merchants to accept any type of ERC20 tokens as payment while receiving the same transaction in their preferred stable token.
In other words, a consumer can pay for a good/service in whatever token of their choice and the merchant can receive that payment in USDT, DAI, USDC, etc.
In short, if a merchant has Slash enabled
- you can pay using any tokens on Arbitrum one, Ethereum, Polygon, Astar, BNB, or Avalanche
- each payment is swapped real-time utilizing liquidity from DEXs
- Merchant receives the transaction in a stablecoin of their choice.
✅Slash Payment now supports Arbitrum 🎉🎉🎉Arbitrum Pay campaign is being held at CryptoBar P2P in Tokyo 😀
We have also recently partnered with JPYC to enable businesses to off-ramp the crypto revenue into JPYC without having to manage wallets or digital assets at all. We aim to create a market environment that makes it easy for Japanese companies to receive crypto as a form of payment.
Merchant onboarding is super simple, without any KYC required. Dapps and EC sites can use our API by simply logging in with their crypto wallet, selecting the sales receipt settings from four types of stable coins, and issuing a contract.
Slash Payment History
accepted into Uniswap-Arbitrum Grant Program (UAGP) 1 year ago.