Food Resilience DAO

$10.76 crowdfunded from 0 people

average score over 2 application evaluations
Project aims to create a DAO focused on enhancing global food resilience against catastrophic events through high-impact projects, impact assessments, and governance mechanisms.

Humanity is not well prepared for food crises. There is an 80% probability that we will have >10% global food shortfall this century !

Humans need to prepare well to be resilient against scenarios which can cause them like pandemics, nuclear war, asteroid impact etc. Without which many humans might starve and die of hunger.

The food resilience DAO aims to build resilience against global food risks. The mission is to build and govern a decentralized framework to increase food resilience at a planetary scale.

The DAO will aim to do high-impact projects which can significantly contribute to building resilience. Higher emphasis will be given to impact assessment and governance mechanisms will be built to enable it.

The project aims to build public goods and is aligned with Glo's mission.

The DAO will also hold Glo in its treasury and use it for various initiatives.

Food Resilience DAO History

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