average score over 4 application evaluations
SolidityGPT enhances blockchain fairness and ethics by helping users understand and audit smart contracts with AI, promoting trust and transparency for non-technical users and developers.

SolidityGPT aims to improve the blockchain's FATE (Fairness, Accountability, Transparency, Ethics).

Why Support Us? How we plan to use the funding?

We developed SolidityGPT as a proof of concept at the EthDenver hackathon and received positive recognition.

We hope the forthcoming funding can be used to support our development efforts and user study on the AI-powered smart contract understanding and coding assistant on Blockchain. We hope our research result can contribute to the improvement of FATE on blockchain communities.

What is SolidityGPT?

SolidityGPT is a tool that helps non-technical users and novice developers understand, review, and audit smart contracts with the help of AI, fostering transparency and self-proofing trust in Blockchain dApps.


The problem SolidityGPT solves

Smart contracts are a crucial component of dApps. However, since they are written in Solidity and published in bytecode, non-technical users frequently struggle to understand the function of the smart contracts they intend to use. These users can only blindly trust the information given by others and hope that the transactions they execute through contracts will not harm them. For example, in the case of airdrop events, users may have to depend on Twitter and Telegram feeds, relying on word of mouth, to judge the reliability of a project, without the ability to directly verify whether the contract is safe or not themselves. This contradicts the vision of decentralization and zero trust in blockchain technology.


Additionally, novice developers encounter difficulties in comprehending existing smart contracts. Even when a contract is made available as open-source, its intricate logic may not be straightforward for developers to grasp. Furthermore, many contracts are neither open-sourced nor verified, complicating the interpretation of their functionalities.


To solve the two problems mentioned above, there is a need for a community platform that allows non-technical users and novice developers to easily understand, review, and audit Solidity smart contracts. This is why we built SolidityGPT. With the help of cutting-edge AI technology, any user can easily read and understand smart contracts on the blockchain with the help of the latest Large Language Models, such as GPT-4, finetuned-GPT-3.5, and Code LLaMA. Moreover, through a community discussion forum, the community can exchange comments and audit reports on smart contracts. If the community finds a contract beneficial, they can also directly send donations to the contract deployer's wallet from the SolidityGPT page.


Moreover, for non-open-sourced contracts, SolidityGPT can convert and beautify the decompiled Solidity-like code into Solidity code, making it more accessible for further reviewing and auditing.


SolidityGPT History

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