word block - Your reference notebook

$27.62 crowdfunded from 8 people

$6.22 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
A web extension enabling atomic note-taking, block referencing, and interconnected writing using IPFS, decentralized data storage, and knowledge graphs, with ownership control.

Keywords: tools for thoughts, block reference, bi-directional link, semantic web, decentralized data storage, knowledge graph


Wordblock is a web extension for atomic note-taking and open block reference with personal ownership control.


You can select texts from any website, add tags, comments, and save the location (URL) automatically as metadata. Or create a block-based memo from scratch.

Every generated text block that is stored on IPFS network under your signature is assigned a unique ID. In addition, there is a search interface to support public block exploration.

Once you are in the writing process, you can reference the blocks you saved before. For example, in some online editors such as mirror.xyz, you can simply type a keyword in between two parentheses, "(())", to recall your blocks. Writing is like building word legos, not just a static linear process.

You can publish your writings with a series of referenced and interactive blocks. Others can check where it has been referenced, or even trace the whole reference chain.

Considerations behind the tool

Wordblock is trying to bring out one question: How could writings be connected, digitally wise?

As Ted Nelson has mentioned, what makes digital media different from paper is the connection capability.

First, let's think about the semantic web from the human-computer interaction perspective. Wordblock is a three-dimensional unified object: the user's public key, IPFS CID, and the original web2 context (URL). A text paragraph from a piece of writing can be treated as a dynamic object, and the objects are connecting with one another with their own context.

Second, let's consider "the connected writing experience" from the perception perspective.

Ideally, the software could capture some of the user's thinking loop via daily "words connecting" activities--reading online. It's not solely hypertext, based on hypermedia, it's about how blocks are connected (how we move our attention) through a cognitive point of view.

Regarding the biological evidence of "bi-directional" (neuron) connections from cognitive neuroscience, we perceive information through one feedforward sensory input and then it takes 3-9 connections to process the feedback circuitries. Accordingly, wordblock is trying to help users with the feedback loop by constructing the knowledge graph.

Third, we focus on data ownership. Existing blockchain infrastructure like Sign-in with Ethereum, IPFS storage, Ceramic network, and Dataverse makes data flow, and data becomes an asset (that individuals could own) in the web3 economy. Wordblock is built on top of those growing infrastructure.

For example, Dataverse is building a data file system, where you can not only manage your files but also your data of the files. Similarly, If you mine content(connect writings) from the internet, the record is not only the text block but also your behavioral data.

The technology behind the tool


The hierarchical structure is embedded in the wordblock data model design, which indicates the relationship of the existing or upcoming block references.

with Ethereum

Create a session key through the wallet and sign the text block to prove that the block creator is a specific wallet address.

Ceramic data models(includ.IPFS)

Wordblock uses Ceramic Stream to store the JSON metadata of a block. Metadata includes BlockID, Creation Date, Source URL, Author, Tags, Type, and Content. The DID of the user submitting the block to the Ceramic network is also bound to the metadata. The Wordblock data model can be shared between any applications on the Ceramic network.

Dataverse SDK

Users can secure their connected writings in Dataverse data-file folders, and from Dataverse portal (https://dataverse-os.com/) they can manage their data assets.


[1] Word block ideation(https://mirror.xyz/conaw.eth/hBj9GSkYzLpQM524VBVhjO8C5-KQFw9UmfrYkerlvZE) [2] Use case: inter-textuality language acquisition(https://mirror.xyz/0x65a0Af703047dfDd270361659d02f4f0E8547202/YmbixVzwGJ0l46X6PDtVBbYY64Jd-SfRSD8usBZUzno) [3] Explain word block reference process and “the tailor”(https://mirror.xyz/0x65a0Af703047dfDd270361659d02f4f0E8547202/IdvI4xfl08nGcd1ElXa6LinQuBXyQZl94DvNXBUUnao) [4] Presentation(https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1QYYS-OSDrOYFR1QJWqLh7eh-_a7sh7A2i_zwzGLaZg8/edit?usp=sharing)

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