Proposal Information
Association: SpiritDAO is associated with the Green Pill network via Greenpill Ottawa Founder Lana Dingwall. Our vision and efforts have also been featured on the GreenPill podcast:
Proposal summary: Educational Campaign focusing on the intersection of Web3 and Traditional Philanthropy
Abstract: The intent of our proposal project is to support our present efforts to bridge the gap between traditional philanthropy and nonprofits and web3 infrastructure. SpiritDAO members are the architects of a whitepaper titled New Frontiers: The intersection of AI, Blockchain, and Social Impact. which is presently in editorial review (first draft complete, ~30 pages). It explores web3 through the common language of the sector, providing a high level overview and detailed case studies about how these institutions can leverage blockchain technology to scale and even create eternal impact. The paper is scheduled to go out to ~200 foundations upon release and this grant will serve to support our labor in holding webinars, 1:1 conversations, and possible conference talks around the subject with foundations.
Motivation: Philanthropy presently holds billions of dollars of capital that remains latent, its potential underutilized. The greatest struggle with bridging the gap between web3/public goods and the sector is a lack of understanding and common language. Our intention is to provide context in an easy to understand format focusing on impact applications. Case studies that demonstrate the benefits of experimental pilots and a larger vision of hyperstructures to inspire imagination of the possible. We believe that web3 grant making and public goods could benefit immensely from the support of traditional funders, are in alignment with the values of the Green Pill Network, Octant, and SpiritDAO, and seek to bridge the gap.
Previous work on the proposal area: Ron Rivers and Eleazar Adjehoun are leading this effort. Both Ron and Eleazar have an extensive history within the philanthropic and nonprofit sectors. Ron is the Executive Director of SpiritDAO and has been an Executive Director of a civic-technology 501c3 in the past. Over the past two years he raised over $1M for historically marginalized nonprofits.
Elezar’s professional history sits at the intersection of social impact and includes national partnership development efforts across diverse sectors, including philanthropy, technology, government, youth justice, anti-trafficking, mindfulness, economic empowerment, outdoor education, and workforce development.
Together they have a network of over 200 foundations they are connected to in order to further this effort.
Present live draft:
Note that this contains authors notes/thoughts and is still very much a first draft.
Expected duration or delivery date:
- Milestone 1: Completion of edits
- Milestone 2: Design (Skeleton complete, but needs to be updated as the content is finalized)
- Milestone 3: Webinar planning / Asset development
- Milestone 4: Initial Announcement / Email blast of Paper (with calls to individual and group action)
- Milestone 5: Proactive Engagement (ongoing)
Drawbacks: This is an educational effort, so the time period from education to impact may vary. Our intention is to launch experimental web3 grant pilots (via quadratic funding and retroactive grant funding - which is not the norm in the space) and will be able to catalog that. However it is not part of the scope of this grant.
About SpiritDAO
SpiritDAO is a 501c3 (pending) non-profit membership community furthering social cohesion in alignment with the single truth and relational universe. We serve the three core purposes of spreading our message, providing value for our members, and furthering the Eight Dignities—a suite of global public works to elevate the human condition. Learn more about our structure and operations at
Team Information
Ron Rivers | @riversmind | Author: Self-Actualization in the Age of Crisis | Co-Founding Member SpiritDAO
Eleazar Adjehoun | Program Director, Youth Mentor, Experience Nonprofit Director and Fundraiser
Steph Macurdy | @Steph_Curdy | SpiritDAO Co-Founder, Head of Blockchain Research Wolfram Alpha
Funding Information
Goal is to reach $5000 to sustain a three month outreach effort.
About SpiritDAO
For more information about SpiritDAO see,, and @thespiritdao
SpiritDAO Whitepaper: History
accepted into GreenPill x Octant Community Round 1 year ago.