Sungura Mjanja Refi

$215.14 crowdfunded from 6 people

$556.92 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
Eco-friendly NFT initiative plants 100 trees per NFT sold, aiming to plant one million trees in Tanzania, empowering farmers, and leveraging web3 for transparent carbon sequestration and climate change combat.

Sungura Mjanja, meaning The Clever Hare in Swahili, is an eco-friendly NFT project inspired by the resourceful African animal known for its survival and cunning abilities. Our project aims to combat climate change by planting trees.

For every NFT minted, the SMR solution plants 100 trees, with a goal to sell 10,000 NFTrees in the collection. The sales will fund the planting of one million trees in Tanzania, creating long-term income streams for the grassroots community in the Magamba area through an agroforestry approach of planting 70% fruit trees and 30% forest trees.

The fruit trees, such as Pear, Papaya, Avocado, Plum, Peach, Banana, Apple, Mango, and Orange, will bear fruits within 12 months to 3 years, while the forest trees, including Lavofia Caffra, Albizia Schimperiana, African Camphorwood, Croton Megalocapus, and Makhamea Lutea, will mature in 2 to 4 years.

Smallholder farmers will receive full revenue from the fruits and a percentage of the revenue from the sale of minted CO2 tokens sold on the marketplace, incentivizing them to protect the project's longevity. The first one million trees will impact 1,700 smallholder farmers, mainly women, and 2,000 temporary workers, with the ultimate goal of planting 100 million trees by 2030.

SMR aims to address the complexity and inaccessibility of the carbon credit market by utilizing web3 technology and creating transparent and inclusive models for carbon sequestration. Through our tokenized digital carbon credits, SMR seeks to incentivize the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, support biodiversity growth, and help meet key SDGs while rebalancing the global climate.

Sungura Mjanja Refi History

  • accepted into Climate Solutions 1 year ago. 6 people contributed $215 to the project, and $557 of match funding was provided.

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