Sunrise Stake
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Sunrise Stake is a Solana blockchain-based, volunteer-operated ReFi staking protocol channeling yields to fund climate-positive initiatives. Through eco-friendly staking, contributors advance impactful environmental projects.

Sunrise Stake: Building a Climate-Positive Future

Sunrise Stake is at the forefront of Regenerative Finance (ReFi) on the Solana blockchain. A volunteer-driven project, we've established a non-custodial, permissionless ReFi staking protocol directing yield to climate-positive projects.

Our Mission

Sunrise is all about the flow of capital towards vital climate action, using blockchain as a force for ecological good, and creating the building blocks for "Regeneration by Default".

Why Your Support is Crucial Now

The climate crisis is accelerating, and every action counts. Your contribution aids in:

  • Accelerating our project's development to meet urgent climate deadlines.
  • Expanding our reach to initiate more high-impact environmental projects.
  • Leveraging blockchain technology for tangible, positive climate action.

Our Impact So Far

This is our second Gitcoin round! After forming in November 2022, we have come a huge way with little funding. Below you can check some of our achievements, including the most recent ones since GG19.

Our contributions since GG19:

Other achievements we’re proud of:

  • We went live on mainnet, and sent the first funds to offset carbon tokens a few days later.
  • We enabled feeless liquid unstaking, allowing instant access to funds and bolstering the efficiency of capital flow towards environmental initiatives.
  • We won the Solana Global Hackathon Climate Award!
  • We teamed up with the NFT platform DRiP Haus for Earth Day to issue climate-themed NFTs to thousands of DRiP Haus members, showcasing works from artists in the global south.
  • We collaborated with members of the Solana community to fundraise for mangrove planting with PanaSea.
  • We organised Berlin's first ever ReFi Hackathon!
  • We have offset over 4000 tonnes of carbon through our staking platform!


Our Plans

Through Gitcoin's Quadratic Funding, even small donations have a significant impact. Contributions will support:

  • Further development of our staking protocol, allowing the retirement of more carbon tokens and other climate-positive projects.
  • Supporting our operations
  • Creation of the Sunrise Stake Green Stake Pool to bring new tools for decarbonising Solana via a carbon-insetting approach. Using a “Climate API” users’ stake is automatically routed to a set of climate-neutral validators, particularly those using renewables. This facilitates environmentally friendly staking for everyone.

Lessons learnt from the GG19 round:

The first experience as a Gitcoin grantee gave us the opportunity to venture outside of the Solana ReFi space and get to know the amazingly diverse realm of projects and experiences in the general ReFi ecosystem. We’ve grown to appreciate the power of collaboration and mutual support in making progress in climate action. As a result, moving forward, we intend on building solutions that bring together an even greater number of environmentally-oriented folks to make an impact - our Green Stake Pool is our answer to the needs of Blockchain users and decarbonisation efforts.


How It Works

Staking with Sunrise Stake is straightforward:

  1. Connect your wallet to our app.
  2. Choose the amount of SOL to stake and confirm.
  3. Your SOL works for the planet by earning yield that is sent to climate programs.

Unstaking is just as easy, ensuring you have access to your funds when you need them.

What Climate Projects do we Support?

We are integrated with Toucan, and bridge funds from Solana to Polygon to purchase and retire carbon credits via NCT. We are also integrated with ecoToken, issuing native carbon credits on Solana. In the near future, we plan to integrate with more projects, to cover a wider range of carbon and nature-based tokens.

Finally, with the introduction of a Green Stake Pool, all validators are incentivised to further their decarbonisation efforts.

Special Thanks

We want to extend our heartfelt thanks to our early supporters and contributors who have brought us this far. With your help, we're not just dreaming of a greener future; we're building it.

Join the Journey

Support Sunrise Stake to integrate your crypto activities with positive climate action. Together, we can pioneer a sustainable future in Web3.

Stay Connected

Keep up with our milestones and new project developments - follow us on Twitter, GitHub, Discord.

Sunrise Stake History

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