Support Rob to Attend Ethereum Devconnect in Istanbul

$14.83 crowdfunded from 0 people

average score over 1 application evaluations
Roberto from Peru seeks support to attend Devconnect Istanbul, expand his knowledge on DAO governance technologies, connect for Ethereum education, learn new skills, network, and bring insights back to Peru.

Hi, I'm Roberto. I'm 23 years old and I'm from Peru. I am delighted with the Ethereum ecosystem since I met it for the first time last year. I'm committed to expand Ethereum's values, so I'm currently supporting as a coordination assistant in Ethereum Lima, and also in other web 3 projects related to education like Cryptoversidad and Push Protocol as an ambassador. And I am very interested in learning about governance of DAO's and the technologies used.

I am looking for support to attend Devconnect in Istanbul. This is an important event that will connect Ethereum enthusiastic people from all over the world.

My goals are:

1)Learn everything new about technologies focused on support for DAO's. Including new apps for reputation and governance.

2)Connect with people interested in supporting Ethereum education in Peru.

3)Attend technical workshops to learn new skills that will allow me to make a big impact upon my return to Peru.

4)Network and meet people with new ideas that will revolutionize the current Ethereum ecosystem.

5)Share my knowledge and ideas during my stay there through publications.

I am very excited to attend Devconnect as a volunteer and also participate in the ETHGlobal hackathon. However, for Peru and Latin America in general, traveling to Turkey is too expensive. This is why I decided to apply for this grant, I hope you can help me.

Thank you very much in advance for reading my application.

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