TE Services for TEC Grants Program
average score over 1 application evaluations
YGG and Jade will collaborate to provide data science and token engineering for TEC's grants program, focusing on Tunable QF operations and augmented bonding curve modeling.

This application represents the joint efforts of YGG and Jade who will be collaborating to support TEC coordination team in terms of data science and token engineering services around the grants program.

Two primary work streams are already underway for the scope of this grant.

  1. Tunable QF Operations, Education, and Maintenance
  2. cadCAD modelling of the augmented bonding curve arbitrage model.

YGG has built the tunable QF data system for calibrating and distributing grant funding outcomes for TEGR. YGG will now be educating and handing off the TQF operations procedure to Jade, who is the new programs manager with TEC. The scope of this grant includes general and adhoc data science support to the TEC Coordination team throughout summer 2024.

TE Services for TEC Grants Program History

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