The Carbon Games

$154.14 crowdfunded from 124 people

$661.70 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
Developing an app and blockchain technology to democratize carbon credit markets, allowing individual participation in global emission reductions while incentivizing sustainable commuting practices.

At its core, The Carbon Games is a revolution in accountability and accessibility.

Accountability in Mobility-Related Emissions: In the world of mobility-related greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, there's an unsettling lack of responsibility. Is it the lone commuter, the corporation with a large fleet, or municipalities that should take the lead? Recent data suggests that transportation is responsible for nearly 24% of direct CO2 emissions from fuel combustion. Yet, pinpointing accountability remains elusive, creating a diffusion of responsibility that slows progress.

Accessibility in Carbon Credit Markets: While corporations and high-net-worth individuals trade in carbon credits, the average citizen finds this market out of reach. According to reports, the global carbon credit market was valued at approximately $215 billion in 2020, but its democratization remains a pipe dream.

Here's where The Carbon Games comes in. We believe that enabling individuals to participate in carbon credit markets not only aligns incentives for sustainable behavior but also democratizes this important economic landscape. Imagine a scenario where a U.S.-based company incentivizes sustainable commuting in India, creating a global network of carbon accountability. We're not just reducing emissions; we're creating a participatory ecosystem that turns every individual into a stakeholder in our planet's future.

What Have We Built and Where Are We Going?

As of now, our carpooling app is live on both the App Store and Google Play. The next frontier? Blockchain. Our pilot case on NEAR Protocol allowed users to "mint" their CO2 savings, offering a proof of concept that validates our ambitious vision. But to bring this to a larger audience, we need to develop it on Ethereum.

The grant would serve as the rocket fuel for our developers, propelling us to the next stage where every carpool is not just a shared ride but a shared investment in a greener future.

In a remarkably short span, our endeavors have been consistently recognized and celebrated by the global community. We are proud recipients of several prestigious awards, including the Siemens & Mastercard Future Transportation Hack at the Dubai World Expo in March 2022, the 2022 NEARCON IRL Hackathon Web2 to Web3 Track in September, the NEAR MetaBUILD III Web2 to Web3 Track in November, the 2023 Open Sea Lab 3.0 Hackathon in March, the 2023 Expo Live Innovation Programme in June, the 2023 Clean Future Acceleration Program - Mobility in July, and the 2023 European Angel Investment Summit - Africa Track in October. These accolades not only attest to our innovation but also the collective desire for our idea in the global marketplace. Now, we set our sights even higher. It's time to build! Our vision is to make our app accessible worldwide, transcending limited markets. We are confident that web3 technology will be the catalyst in realizing this ambition.

The Carbon Games History

  • accepted into Climate Solutions Round 10 months ago. 124 people contributed $154 to the project, and $662 of match funding was provided.

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