The Carbon Games: CurbCO2
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Using blockchain, CurbCO2 turns carpooling into carbon credits for university communities, fostering sustainable transportation, CO2 reduction, economic savings, and community growth.

We're merging sustainability and web3, by turning carpooling CO2 savings into carbon credits. With a focus on university communities, this project employs blockchain technology for transparent tracking, verification, and rewarding of CO2 reductions, championing eco-friendly transportation, economic savings, and community engagement.

Objectives and Goals

The primary objective of CurbCO2 is to significantly reduce transportation-related carbon emissions by making carpooling a rewarding and convenient choice. Key goals include:

  • Carbon Emission Reduction: Aiming for a significant annual decrease in CO2 emissions.
  • Traffic Congestion Alleviation: Enhancing air quality and commute times by reducing vehicles on the road.
  • Economic Savings: Promoting carpooling as a cost-effective transportation mode.
  • Social Benefits: Building a community around sustainability awareness.

Impact and Potential

  • Project Drawdown and the U.S. Department of Transportation highlight the potential of carpooling to save millions of tons of CO2 and up to $1,000 annually in fuel and maintenance for participants.
  • "Drawdown" estimates indicate shared mobility options like carpooling could save about 0.3 gigatons of CO2 from 2020 to 2050.

Mobile interface to begin carpooling

Carbon Insets generated from Carpooling

University-Specific Considerations

Surveys suggest about 85% of university students are open to carpooling, with proper incentives and support. The project aims to leverage this willingness, coupled with technological solutions, to significantly impact carbon emission reduction and parking demands on campuses.


  • Isida Karpuzi, Co-Founder & Chief Sustainability Officer, brings her expertise in architecture, urban planning, and sustainable design.
  • Nikhil Mandrekar, Co-Founder & Chief Executive Officer, contributes his vast experience in startup management and sustainable solutions.

Timeline of Achievements

  • 2022: Development of the first concept, winning the Dubai World Expo Siemens and Mastercard Future of Transportation hack, and receiving a NEAR foundation grant.
  • 2023: Achievements include winning the Dubai ExpoLive Global Innovator Programme, the Deloittte Clean Future Acceleration Programme, and victories in several mobility and sustainability tracks in prestigious accelerators and summits.
  • 2024: Impact Startup at the Web Summit Qatar.

Measurable Outcomes and Innovations

CurbCO2 targets substantial CO2 emission reductions by encouraging carpooling, with potential savings magnified within the university student population. The project aims to generate carbon credits based on CO2 savings, incentivizing participation through tangible rewards and employing blockchain technology for secure, transparent operations.

How to Get Involved

Join the movement towards sustainable commuting by:

  • Download the CurbCO2 app for iOS or Android.

  • Promoting our cause on social media.

  • Contributing expertise in technology, marketing, or community outreach.


The Carbon Games: CurbCO2 is not merely a project but a movement towards a sustainable future, demonstrating the profound impact of integrating technology with environmental sustainability. Targeting the dynamic and diverse environment of university campuses, CurbCO2 stands as a testament to the power of innovative solutions in the fight against climate change, promising a greener planet for future generations.

The Carbon Games: CurbCO2 History

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